Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [12]

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 Inseparable is an understatement in describing Trevor and Kate’s relationship after their last discovery on their dreams. They hadn’t come up with any new information or any new ideas. They still had the same dreams, but nothing new.

About a week after they met, Trevor invited Kate to his house. She walked up the steps of an old Victorian style home and felt an instant warmth in her surroundings. She knocked, and before she could remove her hand from the door it opened and a tall--and obviously vampire--woman answered with a smile.

“You must be Kate. Trevor’s been expecting you.” She stepped aside to let Kate through. Kate stood for a few seconds, wondering about the woman. The woman practically read her thoughts.

“I’m Trevor’s adoptive mother in case you were wondering.” She gestured for Kate to follow her up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, Trevor stood glaring rudely at his mother.

“I think she can handle the stairs herself mom. Thanks.”

His mother stopped and smiled sweetly at him. Trevor twitched, like he was in pain. Kate wondered if his mother had a gift for inflicting pain telepathically. She mentally noted to stay on her good side.

In Trevor’s room, not much out of the usual happened. At one point, Kate was straddling Trevor when she stopped and thought.

“What?” Trevor sounded annoyed by her sudden halt.

“Are we going to have sex?” She felt stupid asking but she was not well versed in human communication when it came to this subject.

Trevor looked around the room. “Why not?”

“Well, what if we end up making creepy 2/3’s babies??” Her feelings of stupidity only increased with each word.

He chuckled darkly. “I have protection Kate.”

Kate looked down and nodded her head. Trevor started kissing her again, but Kate wasn’t as into as she was before and he could tell.

He broke away and took her face in both his hands. “Kate. What’s wrong now?”

She sighed and pulled herself closer to him. Trevor was taken aback by her sudden embrace. He wasn’t used to hugs and things of that nature; only sexual behavior.

“I’m just thinking. In our dreams we can’t stay together for long because something is watching us. What if that’s our minds trying to tell us something is watching us in real life?” Her voice was muffled by his shoulder, in which her face was buried.

“Well nothing and no one has come busting into my room stopping us. And I’m pretty sure we’d hear if anything was in the room. My parents don’t give a crap what I do or who I do. So I think we’re good.”

Kate lifted her head up and looked at him. “Who? So… You’re experienced in this area, then?”

Trevor backtracked. “All I’m saying is, my parents let me have my space.”

Kate pouted. She felt stupid doing it but she couldn’t help it.

“Come on, Kate.”

“How many girls have you had sex with?” She looked at him expectantly.

Trevor rolled his eyes. “Are we really having this conversation?” He tightened his arms around her. “I’ve been alive for awhile, Kate. What do you expect?”

“How many?” She was persistent, and Trevor saw no way around it.


Kate gasped and threw his arms off of her. She backed away from him and sat on the edge of his bed with her arms wrapped around her legs. “You’re such a hoe.”

Trevor laughed loudly. “Do you even know how long I’ve been around?”

She shook her head obstinately.

“102 years.” He smirked. “30 isn’t really that many Kate.”

Kate deliberated for a moment, then crawled back to him and back into his arms. “I’m not having sex with you.”

Trevor sighed heavily and hung his head.

“Maybe tomorrow.”

Trevor smiled and kissed her forehead. “You got it babe.”

Sex Goddess: A Lovely SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now