Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [19]

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 Kate sat on the couch with Trevor’s head in her lap. Flipping through TV channels, she saw a missing persons commercial. She stopped and watched it for a moment. At the very end, after a long speech about how important it was to find these missing children, pictures were shown of all the people that were gone. Kate was one of them.

She knew her father would come after her, but she had no idea he’d involve the police. Vampires like to keep their business to themselves generally, and this shocked her. Trevor just smiled up at her.

“Forget about it. No one’s going to find us here.” He yawned and stretched.

“You’re probably right.” She wasn’t that worried, but Trevor’s reassurance definitely helped anyways. “You’re so lazy.” She lifted her legs up and flipped him onto the floor.

Trevor just laid down. “I don’t mind sleeping down here. Now I can see up your skirt.” He smirked and winked at her.

Kate was about to smack him, but thought the better of it. He was just being Trevor, and after all they’d been through together she wouldn’t want it any other way.

“What, no snappy comment?” He sat up and looked at her suspiciously.

Kate just smiled lovingly at him. “No.”

He got up and sat next to her. “Are you like….Okay?”

She laughed at him and playfully punched his arm. “I’m great. Better than ever.” She became more solemn when she thought of the truth. She actually was happier than she ever had been, and she was on the run from cops and her vampire father.

Trevor nodded in silence, understanding what she was thinking. He put an arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

She thought about how Trevor lied to her. How her father lied to her. Of course, Trevor practically read her mind.

“When can you trust me again?” He had asked her the day after they left with his parents to South Dakota, and the answer had been “I don’t know.”

Kate thought for moment. “I don’t know.”

Trevor sighed and mentally accepted it.

Kate added, “But we’ve got awhile to gain it back.” She smiled up at him and he pecked her lips. “I love you.”

Trevor’s answer wasn’t an automatic response to a phrase used to express emotion. He answered sincerely and truthfully, “I’ll love you forever.”

Sex Goddess: A Lovely SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now