Chapter 3

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Your breath caught in your throat as he lifted his head to look straight at you, both pair of eyes widening at the other when his gaze locked with yours.

JUNGKOOK: Y/N, meet Jimin-hyung.


YOU: It's you.


JUNGKOOK: you two already know each other?

YOU: Uh, sure. You could say that?

Jungkook casted a quick glance between you two before narrowing his eyes in suspicion.


You saw Jimin glance at his brother quickly before quietly mumbling a faint "Coffee" his cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red than it was before because of the cold.

Your eyes widen at the fact that you never knew that someone could be this cute!

JUNGKOOK: Coffee...Oh! You mean she's the one you've been telling me about?

You narrow your eyes at the mischievous look that crossed Jungkook's face.

JUNGKOOK: You mean the pretty shiny eyed girl that makes you a blubbering mess when you try to speak normally, hyung?

What shocked you further is when you saw Jimin reach up to smack Jungkook in the back of his head.

His face couldn't possibly get any redder.

JIMIN: You're horrible!

JUNGKOOK: I was just trying to help!

JIMIN: How was that helping?!

JUNGKOOK: Well at least she knows you like her now!



He does?

Jimin turned his wide eyes to you and your gazes clash as you stare deeply into his eyes.

YOU: You do?

Jimin scuffed his shoes against the snow before nodding his head shyly.

JUNGKOOK: Aww, hyung's getting all shy now.

Jungkook goes to pinch Jimin's cheeks before he slapped it away.

JIMIN: Could you just go!

Jimin's pout was the cutest thing you have ever seen. You couldn't believe that he was actually older than Jungkook.

JUNGKOOK: Alright! Alright!

Jungkook laughed as he backed away.

JUNGKOOK: But I'm not going far. Remember that you're taking me for ice-cream after this.

Jungkook's voice disappeared with him around the corner leaving you and Jimin in silence.

JIMIN: So...

The Coffee Stranger - BTS Jimin FF (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now