Chapter 4

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Falling into your bed on your back you sighed happily. The smile still refusing to leave your face.

Rolling onto your side and squeezing the pillow to your face, you fell asleep thinking about the greatest day you've ever had and it was all spent with a certain orange haired beauty called PARK JIMIN.


YOUR CO-WORKER: He's here again.

Looking up from wiping down the counter, you stared at your co-worker confused.

YOU: Who is?

YOUR CO-WORKER: Him. The one that always stares at you when he comes in.

Looking over to where she was pointing at, You squeak softly as your gaze clash with bright brown eyes.

YOUR CO-WORKER: Uh, do you know him?

YOU: Um, yes. Yes I do.

Your co-worker just gave you a blank look.

YOUR CO-WORKER: Of course you would. You're just as weird.


???: Um, excuse me?

Spinning around, you turned to face the orange haired beauty, Park Jimin and a smile graced your face.

YOU: Jimin!

Your co-worker raised a brow at you.

YOU: Uh, I mean, Hello welcome to the coffee shop, what may I get you today?

Jimin giggled behind his hand before pointing to the same thing he ordered every day since he started coming here.

YOU: One caramel macchiato coming up!

He paid for his coffee before he went to go sit by the window...with you in full view.

How am I supposed to work while he's staring at me?

Your co-worker handed you the coffee and you turned to signal with your hand for him to come for it.

JIMIN: Thank you.

YOU: You're welcome.

He smiled at you before going back to his seat, watching you try to work under his watchful eyes.


YOU: Hm?

YOUR CO-WORKER: The boss is letting us off early today. She's closing the shop early because she has an emergency to run to out of town. She won't be back until after Christmas.

YOU: Really?! I hope everything is alright.

You both changed off and after you checked with your boss and wish her well, you left.

JIMIN: Got let off early?

YOU: Yup! It's just noon. What should we do now? That's don't have anything else doing...

JIMIN: I'm free. You haven't eaten already have you?

YOU: I haven't eaten lunch yet so no. Why?

JIMIN: I know a place that cooks really great food not too far up ahead...wanna go?

YOU: Sure. Let's go.

You walked until he stopped you in front of a food place called 'Eat In or Take Out' but before you could enter you heard an all too familiar voice call out to you.

???: Y/N! Y/N!

It couldn't be...

YOU: Yugyeom? What are you doing here?

YUGYEOM: Nice to see you too cousin-dearest.

You hugged him tightly after not seeing your cousin for almost a year; since last Christmas actually.

YOU: I thought you were coming on Wednesday?

YUGYEOM: I was, but I wanted to surprise you. Thought you were still at work though.

YOU: I was, but I got off early, so I'm free until after Christmas.

YUGYEOM: That's great! We get more time to hang out then!


Your face flushed as you momentarily forgot that Jimin was standing there. You casted him an apologetic glance before you turned to introduce him.

YOU: Yugyeom-ah, this is Jimin. He's a...friend of mine.

Jimin frowned at that.

YOU: Jimin, this is my cousin Yugyeom.

They both shook hands along with a 'nice to meet you' before letting go. Yugyeom gave you an all too knowing look.

YUGYEOM: So, what are you up to?

YOU: We were, um, going to eat lunch.

YUGYEOM: Really? Awesome! I haven't eaten yet so you guys don't mind if I join you, right?
Without waiting for a response, he walked right in.

You and Jimin looked at each other before sighing deeply and walked in after him.


The table was silent.

The atmosphere was tense as the two of you watched as your cousin sat there and dug into his food. Table manners nonexistent.
You spared a glance at Jimin who was on your right a look and saw him with his hands folded, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.

You sighed deeply and eyed yours and jimin's half empty plates, you both couldn't eat any more...

Jimin's cellphone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out but almost immediately frowned at the name that popped up.

Before you could see whose name it was, he answered the call.

JIMIN: Jungkook?

Jimin leaned over to you so you could hear jungkook on the phone better and so did yugyeom but a glare from you made him sit back down in his seat, going back to his food.

JUNGKOOK: Jimin-hyung, where are you right now?

JIMIN: Somewhere...why?

JUNGKOOK: Are you by any chance at a food place called 'Eat In or Take Out'?

Jimin looked at you quickly before his eyes darted around the place.

JIMIN: Yeah...why? What is it?


Jimin straightened himself in his chair so fast you had to wonder if his back was alright.

He twisted and turned before he spun around to face the window that looked on the outside and staring right back at them, with his face stuck to the glass and his phone pressed to his ear, was Jungkook, who was now waving madly at them from the outside.



(I'm typing on my phone for now so excuse any mistakes you see :-) xoxo - maehin)

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