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Over the next few days, we get Merry her new outfit and the team receives tattoos. Alf chose to put his on his outer right thigh for some odd reason. Nick chose a more normal location, on his right bicep. Lukas put his over his heart, the sword pointing towards the belly button. Merry was nervous at first, but she slowly adapted to my customs, as do the others. 

One day, I awoke and felt the urge to cry. I left the room quietly and curled up in the hallway. The tears just fell and dripped onto my knees. I'm scared of the dark. The hallway was not much better than the room, however there was a candle for me to burn. That small flicker of light helped me calm down, yet now the darkness was surrounding me. At every turn, there could be something just waiting to kill me. Logically, I knew otherwise. However, my tears still fell. 

I miss home. There, magic tools were common place. It wasn't hard to get one, either. My room would be lit with countless magic stars, hovering in midair. It was beautiful, and I felt safe. We had cars that skimmed the streets, so you never had to exert yourself to travel. There were stories of other magic systems, of other planets, of other lives. I remember browsing through the internet for stories and magic tools...

That's right! I had asked for the unique magic [Internet] when I came to this world! I expectantly wait for a screen to appear. Nothing happens. I didn't have any connection to my home, then. I was truly isolated, never again able to return to my planet. After eight years on another planet, I finally realized this was my new home, despite my longing to return. I cried until the candle was almost burnt out, then decided. If this was to be my new home, then I would make it the best home for me and my subordinates. My sobs slow, and I return to the room and collapse on the floor. My exhaustion drags me to sleep.

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