Chapter 2: Big Bad Wolves

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Chapter 2: Big Wolves

Robin Hood's P.O.V

When I awoke the next morning, I was still annoyed that I had been seen. Its never happened until last night. Now im probably going to have the cops trying to find me. I sighed and pulled on my hood, this time paired with a white mask. This mask only hid around my eyes but it was enough. Today was hunting day. I hunt my own meat so I don't have to spend money on it. Why waste money on meat when I can get it myself. I went into the kitchen and ate a quick bowl of cereal with a nice glass of orange juice before heading to grab my bow and arrows. Once I had them I used the exit in the storage room to get above ground.

Once I was above ground I began walking softly so that no animals could hear me. Usually the only way they know im near is my scent or my soft breathing if they hear it. The only animals I hunt are deer, bunnies, and squirrels. I love all animals so I try not to kill more then I need. Besides the times when i'm hunting I wont kill an animal unless its attacking me or about to. I pulled my bow out and notched an arrow, in case I saw some prey. I stopped and listened for any signs of animals. My senses have improved drastically over the years, making them stronger then most people nowadays.

As I listen I hear movement nearby. I swiftly and quietly move over, spotting a small cluster of deer in a meadow. Quickly firing my bow I manage to take down a decent sized deer while the rest scattered. I walked over and admired the deer quickly before taking my arrows and cleaning them in the nearby stream. Luckily I wasn't too far from home so I brought it back quickly and set it down on a large table in my training room. After I put my bow and arrows away I took out a skinning knife and got to work skinning the deer and cutting the meat up.

I put the meat into bags, most going into the freezer and some into the fridge for later. I put the skin up so I can use it later. I use it to make coats, socks, rugs and such. After all that was done I took a quick shower and put on a black tank top with flexible shorts along with my hood and white mask once again. I grabbed my bow and arrows again and headed back above ground. I had the money I stole last night and headed into town. I kept to the alleyways and shadows as usual and eventually saw a man with his wife and two children. They were begging a guy for at least five dollars but he refused and quickly walked away with a look of disgust on his face. From the way he was dressed it was obvious that he was rather well off.

I looked again at the family and noticed the woman sobbing into her husbands chest and the kids looked heartbroken knowing they wouldn't have money for food that night. They were wearing old clothes and looked skinny, and seemed to be living in the alleyway for quite some time. I walked out of the shadows approaching them slowly. The husband saw me and stepped protectively in front of his wife and kids. I realized then that I was still holding the bow and arrows and quickly put them away.

The man seemed to relax a little but not completely. I smiled and said "Hey. I hate people like that, who have no respect for the poor. Here, buy your family some clothes and food. Then get yourself some place nice to stay for the night." I handed him half of the five thousand. He stared at me in shock and disbelief, "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! May I ask what your name is?" I smiled at him"My real name is private, but people around here know me as Robin Hood, similar to the story book one." He smiled and the kids cheered as they saw that they would have some food to eat. After seeing them on their way I slipped away into the shadows and headed back to home. I figured I had done enough to at least give them a new chance. Normally I would follow along and help the family pick up some stuff and get around without worry. However as I had just been recently spotted I decided it might be better to keep a bit of a low profile for now.

As I began heading back through the woods I hear a snap from behind me and quickly had my bow out, with an arrow ready. I whipped around and saw a huge wolf easily seven or eight feet tall. I just stared at it as it looked down at me. I was frozen as I looked into the wolfs pretty, dark green eyes. The wolf itself was very beautiful, being a pure black color. I realized it was male from its bulk and size. He whined and laid down putting a paw over his eyes. It was incredibly cute and funny, but I made no movement. He looked up at me with sad eyes. Can an animal have sad eyes? Well this one did apparently. He stood back up and hung his head. Part of me wanted to pet him, but one thing I learned over the last eight years is that no matter how harmless an animal looks, they can still be a threat even to a seasoned hunter. Even though he looked harmless he was still huge and I refused to get hurt because of looks.

The wolf looked at me and whined. I backed up and he growled. Quickly I put up my bow, arrow notched and prepared to fire. He stopped growling and laid down, rolling over in the process. He looked dead. Wait? Is this wolf pretending to be dead? I wanted to laugh at it but I lowered my bow instead. I slowly sat down, keeping my knife in my hand, as the wolf opened one eye to look at me. This is strange, normally i would have backed away slowly getting away from the wolf before heading back home. For some reason, however, I had a feeling this wolf wouldn't hurt me. This wolf had eyes that reminded me of that boy from last night. Only, these eyes weren't cold and angry. They gave me the feeling of being warm and almost happy.

The wolf crawled closer and closer. I eyed him suspiciously. When he was right in front of me, he laid his head in my lap. I froze for a second before I started to pet his head. He seemed to give a low and deep growl as if content with the situation. I smiled a little. His fur was incredibly soft. I heard another faint howl in the distance and I swear the wolf had an annoyed look on his face. I didn't even think a wolf could look annoyed but this one sure did. He whined at me one last time before taking off. I sat there for a moment, stunned at everything that just happened and my own rather foolish decision, before heading to my home.

When I was standing on the entrance to my home, five huge wolves stepped out from the bushes nearby. I noticed one was the wolf from before. What the hell? Since when was there an entire pack of wolves in this area? They all looked at me like I would freak and run away any second now. What the hell is up with all these wolves? I've prepared for something like this, well, not exactly like this but in case an animal attacks me and I'm near my home. I whistled a low tune and the a scanner scanned my shoes. Confirming it was me, the entrance opened and seconds later I was falling.

I came to a quick stop and opened the little door I ended up next to. This one opened next to my bed. I sighed in relief as I walked out and closed the section of wall that had opened. That was weird. No, weird is an understatement. Oh well, they just better not be there when I come back up.

Adrian's P.O.V

I watched as my mate looked at my family in their wolf forms. She looked cautious and then whistled a low tune before falling into the ground and vanishing. We all froze and stared at the spot where she went in. Where the hell did she go? I walked over and sniffed, only noticing the ground and her residual scent. "Dude where the hell did she go?" my brother Blake asked mentally.

See, as werewolves, we have a connection with our minds, allowing us to talk telepathically. "That's what I want to know." I stated "Lets go home for today, its getting kinda late. We can always come back later." Everyone agreed and with that we all headed home. My mate sure is sneaky. Dang, I wish I knew her name. I'll have to try to find out soon. I looked back to where she had disappeared one last time and then took off towards home. After I got there, I quickly shifted and went into my room throwing on a pair of boxers. I'm glad we live far back in the woods, otherwise we wouldn't be able to shift outside our house. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep, dreaming of my mate.

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