Chapter 7 School Day Part 1

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Chapter 7: School Day Part 1

I got up at around 5:30am the next morning to get ready for the day. I needed to make sure I was able to get ready and get Bella up with time left to make and eat a good breakfast. It didn't take that long for me to take a shower and change but it did take me a bit to get my hair dry. I decided to keep my hair down instead of putting it in a ponytail. Once that was done I headed to Bella's room to wake her up. I took a quick peak inside and sure enough she was sound asleep.

I walked over to her bed and gave her shoulder a small shake. "Bella time to get up, school today." I said quietly. She grumbled a little before replying "ok, I'm getting up." I walked out of the room to start breakfast before she finished getting everything ready. I decided to make bacon and custard scrambled eggs with a side of hash browns and a couple slices of toast. By the time I had gotten done cooking Bella was finished getting ready and had come into the kitchen to see what was cooking.

She stopped when she saw me and laughed. I didn't know what she was laughing at until I looked at what she was wearing, which was almost the exact same thing as me. She had put on a black Three Days Grace t-shirt and a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees. The only difference was that she was wearing black, purple and pink converse while mine were black and gold. After we had our laugh I made our plates and set them down at the table.

She looked at the eggs for a few minutes as if she didn't quite know what to make of them. "These are scrambled eggs right?" she asked obviously confused by how they looked. "Yeah, its not the rubberized overcooked eggs like most people make. The eggs are cooked so don't worry but because of how I make them they are more custard like. Its actually really good and because the butter used in making them you can put them on toast and its great." I explained.

It was an odd way of cooking them but once I started doing it I loved how they tasted. Bella looked at it for a second longer before picking up her fork and, courage gathered, took some of the eggs and a piece of toast and ate a bit. It took her a minute before she said anything. "Its...pretty good." she started eating after that without worry now that she had confirmed that it was edible. I laughed at her obvious worry and the fact I was relieved she liked it.

Once we were done we got our stuff ready for school and, after making sure we had everything including homemade lunches, we set off for school. When we came up I was slightly surprised and kind of disappointed that the wolf wasn't there but realized it was probably for the best. I couldn't run the risk of it following me or anyone seeing it. We walked for a while before Bella took out her IPod and turned on some music. Three Days Grace came on and we both just looked at each other and smiled before singing along to The Good Life.

We sang while we walked but it only took about thirty minutes to get to the school. We still had fifteen minutes before the bell rang so we stopped by the office to grab my schedule, a map, and my locker number. "Hey you're locker is right next to mine! Yay!" Bella exclaimed when she saw my locker number. I knew it would be right next to it because I hacked into the schools network and made sure to be placed in the locker next to it. Although i'm not exactly top tier when it comes to technology, I have sufficient knowledge to get into a simple school network.

Luckily it had been an open spot or I'd have had to do a lot more work to get it open. We made our way to our lockers, a couple people turning to look at us. I couldn't really blame them since we did look almost like twins except with me being slightly taller then her. Once we were at the lockers I started getting nervous about how Cole would react to seeing me after so many years. He had fought to stop them from taking me but at 9 years old he couldn't have done much to stop them.

"Its weird with all the people staring. I'm not popular or anything so its a little uncomfortable." Bella said to me, waking me up from my inner turmoil. "Not popular? You're a hundred times better then these snobs." I told her as I gave the people staring my cold emotionless glare telling them to stop staring or I'll kick their asses. They turned away pretty quick, my glare tends to have that kind of effect. "Yeah, well, it's the typical high school food chain. Jocks and cheerleaders are at the top then it descends in order of importance. I'm not at the bottom only because Cole is on the football team."

She sighed as if she was annoyed but by the tone in her voice I could tell she didn't give a damn about her popularity. I made sure she had the stuff she needed for her first classes and made sure I had my stuff too. I swear I don't know what the teacher were thinking giving teens a ton of heavy books and expecting them to be able to lug them around all day, I think there should be a law against it or something.

I felt Bella give me a nudge to get my attention, having obviously spaced out for a moment there. I turned to look at her wondering what she would want. "Cole is walking this way." she said with a smile knowing that this would more then likely be one hell of a shock for him. Not twenty seconds later he was there and had Bella in a hug. "What happened Bella? Where did you go? Do you know how worried I was?" he started on her not having noticed me yet due to his obvious worry for Bella. He's still as overprotective as he always was.

"I'm and dad threw me out I guess. But I found someone you'll want to meet and they took me in and helped me out!" she said trying to calm him down enough to notice me. Of course once he noticed me and knew who I was I knew it would happen all over again and it would be my turn to calm him down and get the emotional welcome. She quickly turned him around to face me and he was about to ask something but it had obviously died in his throat. He stood there for a few moments staring at me, kinda looking like a fish out of water. I swear he looked like he might have a heart attack at any moment.

"Emma?" he finally managed to ask after remembering how to breath properly. I nodded with a light smile, not exactly sure what the best words to say would be. It only took a second for him to grab me and hug me tight enough that I was dazed for a moment. I hugged him back, noticing tears streaming from his eyes. I couldn't even imagine how happy he must have felt at that moment. He had lost one sister and then thought he lost another only to have us both appear again. Bella stood nearby smiling, obviously happy that we had all been reunited.

"Where were you Emma? I looked everywhere for you I swear. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop them, I'm so sorry." he said as he hugged me tight. I smiled at this, most of my worries gone. "Don't worry I've been safe. I have my own place and that's where I've been staying." I told him, trying to calm him down. I couldn't tell him the whole truth just yet. "So wait what are you doing with Bella and how did you find her?" he asked as if he was suspicious of something. "Well I found her when those bastards that call themselves our parents threw her out on the street while telling her they never wanted her and have had her living with me for awhile." I tried not to give away anything big just yet. You never know if someone is listening or something.

He looked shocked for a minute then his face went on what I would describe as a parade of emotions. He looked furious, thoughtful, shocked again, furious and then finally he settled on calm. All of this took place within about thirty seconds tops so it was like a kaleidoscope of emotions. After that he looked at me and smiled. "Well at least both of you are safe for now so I'm happy. You'll have to show me where you live one day."I simply nodded, not wanting to ask why he had all those emotions going at once, simply because he let me drop the issue of where I was staying taking my word we were safe."

A group of boys about Cole's age walked up to us then. "Cole! Where were you man,you were supposed to meet up with us five minutes ago." one of the boys asked. We had a little bit before classes started so I guess i'll get to meet my brother friends. "Oh hey. I was just hanging with my sisters." he said nonchalantly. I looked at the boys in question. I only looked at the first boy for a second before my heart started to speed up and I quickly looked away. It was the same boy that I stole from! I needed to calm down though so he wouldn't suspect anything, I mean, for gods sake, he only saw my eyes so I should be safe. Ughh I'm going to have to be careful that he doesn't realize that it was me from now on. Guess school might not be as boring as I thought after all.

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