Chapter 4:The Abandoned Child

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Chapter 4:The Abandoned Child

Robin Hood's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling a hundred times better. The place I hit my head didn't even hurt anymore. That was a good thing since I never finished my training from the other day. It annoyed me that I got hurt for something as simple as not paying attention to where I was going. Cursing my stupidity I decided to train for a little while before going out. I noticed it was only 4:32 AM so I decided to finish my training from the other day, not including the rest of the training course outside. After getting up I grabbed some loose training clothes. I put on a simple black T-shirt and a pair of men's gym shorts and headed out to the training room.

When I arrived I quickly grabbed a short sword and went over to the training dummies. I practiced the basic moves, thrusts, parries, overhead and such. I practiced for about two and a half hours before deciding it was enough. I made my way back to my room and grabbed some clothes before heading to take a quick shower before starting the day. The shower was great after the workout and really relaxed me. I quickly dried off and put on my clothes. I decided to put on a plain black, long sleeved shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans and my amazing black and blue converse with a rose sticker on the tip.

The sticker was used for my scanner outside in case I had to make a quick get away into the fort, the scanner would know its me and send me to the appropriate place. I headed into the kitchen after I was dressed and tried to decide what to eat. I didn't really want to waste food and wasn't in the mood to make anything big so I decided for a simple bowl of Fruit Loops, since its the best cereal ever. I figured I had 2500 dollars left from what I had taken from that rich family and decided to give 2000 away and keep 500 for myself. There were some things that I needed that I couldn't make myself, such as underwear and other necessary products.

I finished my cereal and grabbed my cloak. I decided on using the black mask that hid most of my face, just in case someone got a look at me when they weren't supposed too. I grabbed my bow and headed out the exit. I looked up and, to no great surprise, saw the wolf. He looked up with his eyes that reminded me of that boy I saw when I robbed his house. I quickly cleared those thoughts away and continued out of the forest. The wolf followed me for a length but when I left the woods he stayed back. He might be just an animal but at least he was smart enough to know not to follow me.

I went again into the city and stuck to the shadows. Traveling around through the alleyways and on the rooftops I quickly made my way deeper into the city. I was on the roof of a three story apartment complex when I saw a limo pull up below me. A girl, roughly 12 or 13 years old, was pushed out rather roughly. I heard a woman yell at her from inside the limo "You're worthless! We don't want someone who does nothing for us! We never loved you!" and then the door was pulled shut fast as the limo drove away leaving the girl crying on the side of the road.

I was having a one of those moments where I had to chose the most immediate thing to take care of. I could either chase the limo and then after stopping it beat the living daylights out of whoever was in it or I could tend to the girl first. I decided the girl took priority over them and quickly descended into the alley to go to her. I stepped out of the alley and made my way over to her. She looked up and saw me, a look of fear on her face. I slowed down and help up my hands "I'm not going to hurt you. I saw what happened, and I'm sorry. I'm here to help you don't worry." I said as I approached her. She still had a cautious look on her face when I reached her. I hugged her and she began to cry again and hugged me back.

Oh I cant wait to find out who the people were that abandoned her. I'm gonna rip them a new one when I find them. But for now i'll have to help this girl until I can find her a good home. Looks like i'll end up keeping the money to use after all. I stopped hugging her and after letting her go I took a good look at her. She had semi-long black hair and dark blue eyes. She was a couple inches shorter then me, but other then that the hair length and the eye shade of blue she looked almost like me. Weird how that happens. My thought process was interrupted by the growl of her stomach. I laughed as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, which only made her blush harder.

I took her hand and said "Lets get us some food then we can talk ok?" she nodded in appreciation but still had a cautious look on her face. I had to give it to her she wasn't one to trust easily but that was a good thing. I'd have been more worried if she just trusted me like I knew her my whole life. After a couple minutes of walking we found a Wendy's and so went in to get some food. The people looked at me like I was crazy, and considering what I was wearing I couldn't blame them. I bet they had to have seen stranger things though then a girl in a cloak with a hood and mask.

After ordering our food we found a table out of direct view of people and I began asking her questions. "Whats your name?" she looked up at me and considered whether to tell me or not before answering "Bella Jates." now for some reason when she said that I got a feeling in the back of my head that I should know that last name. I pushed the thought away for now. "How old are you? You look like you're 12 or 13 but I want to make sure." this time she didn't pause as long before she answered. "I'm 13 going to be 14 soon though." I looked at her and told her my basic plan. "Well I cant have you roaming the streets so I'll let you stay with me for now. We need to grab you some clothes and anything extra you may need before that though. Eventually ill try to find a good home that you can stay in permanently with a family that actually cares. No offense." she thought about this for a moment before nodding.

"Whats your name? If you don't mind me asking." she looked kinda scared to ask. I simply smiled and replied "My real name is private and I don't give it out to anyone usually, but you can call me Robin seeing as how that's the name I go by around here." that got me a quick nod and then we ate in silence. After we had finished we quickly threw out the trash and headed to the nearby mall. We got inside and stopped by one of the best shops in here first. Hot Topic. She looked at me "I don't really have much money on me so we should probably go somewhere cheaper." I looked at her like she sprouted a second head. She gave me a puzzled look seeing my expression and I had to laugh. "Silly, I'll pay for this stuff don't worry about it lets find you some nice things to wear." she looked at the store before quickly looking back to me "Are yo sure? I don't want you to spend your money on me. I mean you've already helped me out so.." I cut her off before she could continue the absurd train of thought. She was a nice girl that didn't want to take advantage of people who had helped her.

I respected that but I wasn't gonna budge on this and stated as much to her. She smiled and hugged me in thanks. After that we made our way into the store and began to shop. We shopped for about 4 hours before heading back to my home. She looked scared when we got to the woods but I told her i'd protect her if anything happened. She stayed close to me the entire way there. When we arrived I was, again, not shocked to see the wolf waiting for us. He took a look at us, carrying all of the bags, and started to laugh. Or that's what I think it was because it was a weird sound. Bella looked kinda scared but said to me "That wolf is...weird." I simply nodded my head in reply. I think I was getting used to it by now, whether that was good or bad I couldn't tell. I went over to the entrance and opened it quickly. Turning to Bella I said "Wait for me right here for a second. I need to open the other door and then you can go down and ill hand you the bags." she nodded but seemed scared that she would have to be here with the wolf for any length of time.

I did have to admit he was a big wolf and was kinda intimidating at first sight. I quickly opened the second door and went back up. The secondary door was the actual main way to get inside but I had a tendency to use the side entrance which is just a ladder and a hidden trapdoor, along with the chute to get back inside. I told her to go down now and take a few trips with the bags while I stay up here and watch for any other animal's, though I doubt any would come with this wolf around it was better to be safe then sorry. I took one last look at the wolf who, sensing I was leaving, began to whine. I smiled and began my decent back into my house. Guess I should show her around now. Though I still had that feeling in the back of my head that I knew something about her last name. I just couldn't put my finger on it. O well another mystery for another day I guess.

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