The operation

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Since today was Saturday I decided to take my sister to the mall since she's been asking all week.

I grabbed a brush and pulled her hair into a curly pony tail.

"I could have did this myself. I'm 11."

"I know but it looks neater when I do it." I said and smiled.

"Yea whatever."

"You ready?" I asked once I was finished.

She sighed. "Do we have to walk all the way there?"

I laughed. "No we're gonna catch the bus. I got paid yesterday." I lied. Ace gave me a little bit more cash than I actually needed.

I put my coat on and so did she. We walked out the apartment and walked 2 blocks down to the bus stop.

"Lauren?" Abby said.

"Wassup?" I said watching as cars passed by.

"Are we going to have Christmas?"

I looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Are we gonna get presents, cook a turkey and sit by the fireplace while drinking hot chocolate like we use to do when mom was living?"

I sighed. I kinda forgot that Christmas was in 2 weeks.

"We'll see." I told her.

The bus pulled up in front of us and we got on. The whole bus ride we rode in silence.

It took about 35 minutes to get there because of all the stops to pick people up.

When we walked inside the mall it was crowded with families and crying kids because they couldn't get what they wanted.

"It's kinda packed today." Abby said.

"Sure is."

We walked pass the Chanel store and I saw some super cute heels in the window.

"Wait Abby." I said and walked into the store.

I picked up the heels.

"You like?" An employee asked me.

"No I love!" I said staring at the 5 inch glittery heels.

"They are selling fast." She told me.

"How much are they?"


My smile faded. "Oh."

Yes I had 600 dollars exactly but it was for my abortion.

I walked out of the store and caught up with Abby.

"Um after we leave the mall im  going to leave you with Ms. Evelyn while I handle some business."

"What kind of business?"

"Stop being nosey Abbygail."

She laughed then ran over to Justice. Which was her favorite store.

It was a cute little girl's store if you ask me.

"I love this shirt. And these pants. Ooooooo and this skirt." She said touching everything.

"Pick up whatever you want. I'm only spending 100 dollars on you."

"100!? That sure is a lot of money for minimum wage." She said picking up the items she wanted.

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