You Can't Trust Everybody

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When I walked inside the house I saw Ace come into view.

I rolled my eyes disgusted.

"I know you saw me calling you."

"I sure did." I said and walked up the steps.

"Then why didn't you answer?" He asked following right behind me.

"I was busy." I went into my room.

"Busy with what?"

"None of your business. You were busy too. Busy fucking matter of fact."

Ace sighed. "Lauren I didn't mean for you to see that."

"I know you didn't. But I saw it anyway." I took my shoes off.

"Listen I don't regret it. You wanna know why? I have needs that need to be satisfied."

I laughed. "Funny. Now are you done? Because I really would like to get some sleep."

I slightly pushed him out the door frame and shut my door. "Niggas."


I know Lauren was mad but I don't know why because we're not together so why should she be bothered?

I went down to the kitchen to get a snack before I go to bed. There was a knock on the door. Who the hell knocking at my door at 10 pm.

I opened and saw that nigga Flex.

"Fuck you at my door step for." I said angrily.

"Lauren left her phone. I just wanted to return it." He handed me Lauren's phone.

I snatched it out his hand and slammed the door in his face.

I looked out the window and saw him get into his all white Escalade.

It's something weird about his ass.

I jogged up the stair well and knocked on Lauren's door.

She opened the door with some green shit on her face.

"Ewww." I said and scrunched up my face.

"It's a face mask dummy. What do you want?"

I handed her, her phone. "Keep up with your stuff."

"Thanks-" she was about to close the door until I stopped her.

"I want you to stop seeing Flex."


"He weird as hell."

"Maybe too you but not to me." Lauren said.

"Damnit I'm serious Lauren. You hanging out with him, but do you even really know him? You can't trust everybody."


I got on my computer and tried to locate the teddy bear.

I'm going to find my son no matter what I have to do.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Lauren sang.


I walked to the door and twisted the door knob to the right causing the door to open. There stood Cam.

"Oh goodmoring." I smiled.

"Morning. Is Ace home?"

"Yea he is. But he's busy at the moment."

"Well can you please tell him to call me soon."

"Sure. What's wrong?"

"I'd rather tell him, than you." She said and walked away.

"Okay then." I said and shut the door.

I walked into the man cave where Ace was.

"Cam said call her as soon as possible."

"Mhm. Yea yea." He said and shooed me away.

My phone vibrate on my butt. I looked at it and saw it was a text from Flex.

Flex: can we hang out somewhere? I  have something to tell you.

Me: yea sure. Mall sound okay?

Flex: yeah. Meet me there in 30 minutes.

Me: K

"Ace can you watch Abby. I'm going to the mall then I gotta go to work."

"Mhm yea." He said focused on his computer.

I laughed and slipped my flip flops on my feet then out the door.


"Where are you AJ?" I said while looking at my computer.

The tracking device I placed in his teddy bear wasn't working. It wasn't even giving me a location.

I sighed and leaned back into my chair. All of a sudden I got a call from Darwin.


"Bro. You need to get down to the warehouse quick."



"What's the problem?" I said walking into the warehouse.

Darwin was sitting in the dark on his computer. He was the only one here.

"You know that nigga Fred Marshall?"

"Yea what about him."

"His nickname is Flex."


"Yea bro. And guess what else? Turns out he ain't a drug dealer. He's a cop."


As I was waiting on Flex Abby texted me.

Sis💕- why am I home alone? You know I get scared.

Me: Ace is downstairs.

Sis💕- no he isn't. His Benz is gone.

"This nigga.." I said to myself mad as hell.

Finally I saw Flex walk my way.

"Glad you could meet me-"

"Yea umm. Look can you just tell me what you have to tell me? My 12 year old sister is at home alone."

We started walking.

"Well I'm not exactly who you think I am."

I stopped walking. "What do you mean."

He pulled out a badge. "I'm a detective/cop. And I'm going to be arresting Ace tonight."

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