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I bit the person's hand.

"Ouch!" A female said. I was just about to make a run for it until she snatched my hair and caused me to fall on the bathroom floor.

I looked up and noticed it was Tisha.

"Let go of my fucking hair." I scratched at her hands.

She kicked me in my nose causing it too bleed. Then she dragged my naked and wet body across the floor and out into the hall away.

I was able to pry her hands off my hair and punch her in the mouth.

She spit out blood onto my face.

I got off the ground and ran down the hall to the stairwell. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my leg and I fell on the ground.

"Aww. Are you okay?" Tisha said walking over to me with a gun in her hands.

I held my bloody leg in pain.

"I'm sorry I had to-" she didn't finish her sentence because I kicked her down the hard stairs.

I watched as her body rolled down the steps.When she made it too the bottom she bumped her head and blood started flowing out.

Due to my leg being injured I crawled all the way to the bedroom. I grabbed my phone and called Ace.


"The bomb has 4 minutes!" Pepper screamed.

"Why the hell are we still standing in here man!" Ray asked.

So many thoughts were running through my head. Everything was happening so fast.

"3 minutes." Pepper said looking at the bomb.

My phone rang and it was Lauren.

"Ace. If we don't get out of here in 3 minutes we're all gonna die." Pepper said while looking at me.

I didn't do anything but look down at my ringing phone.

"ACE! We are about to fucking die!" Darwin yelled.

"Fuck this man. I'm not dying today." Tae said about to walk out that door.

"Nobody leaves!" I yelled and slammed the door shut.

"Nigga what!? That bomb is gonna go off in 2 minutes and your telling us we can't leave!?"

I clenched my jaw. "Everybody just shut the hell up. We are gonna wait until the bomb hits zero."

"FOR WHAT?" Tae yelled.

I ignored his ass and leaned against the door.

Pepper got on the ground and started praying and crying. I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"What the fuck are you laughing at Ace! We got 1 minute until we die." Pepper said.

"Im laughing because... Never mind." I said.

"Aww damn. We about to die. Granny here I come." Tae said crying.

I chuckled.

"10....9....8...7..." Pepper counted.

Everybody started counting except me. "4.....3....2....1."

Everybody closed there eyes and screamed but nothing happened.

"Wait. The bomb is at zero. Why didn't it blow up?" Pepper asked confused.

"Because it's not a real fucking bomb. That's why I was laughing! Yall really thought Cam was smart enough to pull this off?"

"Oh." Tae said wiping his tears.

I shook my head and my phone rang again. This time I answered.

"Wassup baby?"

"Ace." Lauren cried.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I need you to come home. Tisha tried to kill me."

"Tisha? Where is she?"

"She's downstairs dead." Lauren cried harder. "And she shot me in my leg."

"Lauren why didn't you call 911 first!?"

"I needed to call and tell you what happened."

"Where is AJ?"

"That's a good question." She said and sniffed.

"Listen call 911 and stay upstairs."

"Okay." She said and hung up.

"Alright. We need to head back home to Compton." I told the gang.

"What about Tisha and AJ?" Pepper asked.

"Lauren handled her ass, and as far as my son we gone find him."




I heard the ambulance outside. Then I heard them come into the house.

"Up here!" I yelled so they would come help me.

A man and a lady came into the bedroom I was in.

"Hi ma'am. Can you explain to us how this happened." The lady said looking at my leg.

"I was shot."

"Shot by who?" She asked wrapping up my leg.

"Tisha Allen. Her body is downstairs by the front door." I told her.

"Ma'am I think you lost to much blood." She said sticking an IV in my arm.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because there isn't a body downstairs."


I was on the interstate going about 95 mph.

"Did you kill her?" I asked Tisha.

"No. The bitch almost killed me." She said putting an ice pack on her head.

"Damn." I said.

"But that's okay because I got my revenge on Lauren and Ace. Ace will never see his son again."

"Nobody will."

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