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My date with Flex last night was pretty boring if you ask me. All he did was ask me questions about my life and I didn't answer them.

Abby came down the steps fully dressed. "What are we gonna do today?" She asked.

"I'm gonna spend the day with Pepper and you are gonna stay here."

She smacked her lips."Its finally summer and you don't want to do anything."

"Tomorrow we'll do something. I promise."

"Okayy." She said and walked away.

I went to find Ace. I had a feeling he was in his "man cave" so I flipped the switch and the door opened.

He was sitting at his computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked standing next to him.

"Trying to find my son."

I sighed. It's been 5 months and Ace still can't find Tisha and AJ. I feel bad for him.

"Don't worry you'll find him." I gave him a hug. As I was hugging him I saw Camilla's name pop up on his phone.

"That Cam girl is calling you."

Ace looked at his phone and declined her call.

I sat on his desk and let my feet hang. "How do you know her?"

"Who Cam?"


"Oh. It's a long story."

"I got time."

He sighed. "I don't want to talk about it right now."



"Okay damn." I walked out of his man cave and shut the door behind me. He can be a real bitch sometimes.

I grabbed my keys, my phone and a bag of hot fries then got into my Range.

Before pulling off I sent Pepper a quick text.

Me: I'm on my way.

Pep- k. Can you bring hot wings?

Me: sure.

I made a quick stop at Wing Stop. Then about 15 minutes later I pulled up at Pepper's house.

I rang the doorbell and she opened still in her pajamas. She grabbed the box of wings out my hands.

"Thanks so much." She said.

"Your welcome." I walked inside.

I grabbed a plate and got a couple of wings.

"Soooo how are you and Ace doing?" She said smacking on the chicken.

I laughed. "Good. He has been stressed out lately though."


"He misses AJ."

"I can't wait until he finds that bitch. He's going to kill her."

I laughed. "No he won't."

"Your laughing but I'm dead serious. Ace doesn't play when it comes to his child." She made a straight face.

"He hasn't killed anybody before has he?"

"Yea. Lots of people."

My mouth dropped. "Who?"

"I'm not allowed to say."

"Okay I understand." I said trying to shake the thought out of my head. "Do you know who Camilla is?"

"Cam? Hell yea I know the bitch." Pepper said with sauce all over her face.

"Does she have a thing for Ace?"

"Not that I know of. She's just sneaky. Nobody can really trust her."




My phone lit up and I saw it was Darwin.


"We got a new enemy."


"Some nigga named Fred Marshall. We spotted him on 12th street selling on our block."

"Anything else?"

"Nah. Not yet."

"Keep an eye on him. Then update me later." I said.

"Alright." We disconnected our call.

"Ace can you take me to McDonald's?" Abbygail asked me.

"Yea. Hold on a sec." I said answering my ringing phone.


"Nigga I've been calling you."

I sighed when I realized it was Cam's voice. I really need to start looking at the caller ID before answering my phone.

"Cam what the fuck do you want man? You been calling me non stop."

"I need like 100 more dollars."

"No Cam no! I gave you 1 grand yesterday!"

"Ace I know but I'm really struggling and I need money to get me back on my feet."

"Okay. After I give you this money. That's it! I don't want you contacting me anymore."


"Alright. Where are you?"

"Outside your front door."

I hung up my phone and stormed outside and saw Cam standing there.

"How did you know where I lived?"

"I know people." She smirked.

"You know who? Don't play with me Cam." I said strictly.

"Relax. I just remember from a couple of years ago."

"Yea whatever." I reached into my back pocket and pulled out whatever I had.

"Here. Now leave. Me. Alone." I slammed the door and locked it.

Ace gave me the money I needed and I put it into my purse.

I called me a cab. It arrived in 16 minutes.

"Where too miss?"

"Take me to the train station." I handed the man a 20 dollar bill.

As I was riding in the backseat I pulled out my phone. I called up my girl Tisha.


"I got the money from Ace and I'm headed to the train station now."

"Good, and on your way here can you bring some food. AJ's hungry."

"Okay I will." I hung up my phone.

Do I know where Tisha is? Yes. Am I gonna tell Ace? Hell no. Truth is, I didn't come back to town just to come back, I came back on a mission, and I will complete that mission even if it takes years, months, or weeks.

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