Assistant's Amazement

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  Before her were about twenty work tables. Each bore a polished ash wood tabletop, while four metal posts held each table up. Chairs, made of the same wood, accompanied each table, as pastel blue cushions made them more comfortable seats. Upon each tabletop, there were various tools and parts. What parts that weren't on the table were on various wooden shelves throughout the room.

These shelves held various colored boxes, which helped to organize the parts. Five brass chandeliers hung overhead, illuminating the entirety of the space, since windows were absent from the main room of the house. There was a black wooden door on each side of the room, and there was a grand staircase leading up to the second story. Black and white checkered tiles covered the floor of the area, which complimented the white walls of the room.

(F/n) saw multiple workers already at some of the tables, while others were at shelves and were grabbing what parts they needed. They were all dressed in clothes of their choosing, but they did all wear black aprons. If there were Christmas decorations, she would feel like she was in Santa's workshop. Still, it was magical to see so many craftsmen and craftswomen in one room working on toys.

Her attention, though, soon turned towards the door on the right side of the room. It was slightly ajar and a sweet smell came from the room beyond the door. Curious as to what the smell was coming from, she began to walk towards the door. About halfway to the door, though, she heard light coughing behind her.

Peering over her left shoulder, she saw a man about the same height as Edgar. Brown locks just went past his chin and was cut to all the same length. Chocolate brown eyes stared down at her, while the man crossed his hands behind his back. A black button-up, brown pants and black dress shoes covered his person. He looked to be in his early thirties.

"You must be Edgar's personal assistant that he just hired," the man stated in a tenor voice.

"Well, yes, he asked me to check on the workers here," she answered, as she now faced the man. 

"My name is (f/n). Pleased to meet you," she added, holding out her right hand.

He gave her hand a questioning gaze, almost as though shaking her hand would kill him. In the end, however, he raised his right hand and shook hers in reply. "I'm the head worker here, and my name is Howard." Releasing his grip from her hand, he crossed both his hands behind his back again. "Now, as you can see, everything is going well over here, but we do have the orders Edgar sent in ready. Would you mind taking them over to him?"

"No, not at all, it's my job to help out anyway," she responded, as Howard nodded in reply. "If I may ask, what's that smell? It smells amazing throughout here."

"They're working on making some more lollipops. I'd show you, but I take it that Edgar wants you back soon. How much time did he give you?"

"Well, twenty minutes, but how did you know that Edgar gave me a time limit?"

"I've been working for him, since he was a child. You learn how he operates pretty quickly. Besides, he informed me last night to not have you staying around here too long. He wants to have you, his personal assistant, be as efficient as possible. So, if you're back before twenty minutes, it will be all the better," Howard replied, heading over to two sealed boxes. He picked them up and turned towards her.

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