Debate's Reaction

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  Lying on her bed's black sheets, she looked up at the galaxy picture on her ceiling. Her (e/c) eyes scanned over the various stars, while moonlight shined in through her paned window, since she left the dark blue curtains open. So far, she had been lying in bed for four hours without being able to fall asleep. (F/n) attempted to get to bed by eleven in the evening, but it was now three in the morning.

Her thoughts about the conversation, which she had with Frederic, caused her to stay awake. She didn't know what to do. It sounded like a good idea to work with him, but at the same time, she didn't know if she would be able to go behind Edgar's back. Could she really keep him in the dark about something that would affect his business? Not only this but also it would significantly decrease the amount of toys that he would make. Creating toys was his passion, and she would be diminishing that passion without his consent. Unlike when she thought that she was stripped away from her passion, Edgar wouldn't be given a better position. He already had the best position possible. For her, she had been promoted. If she went through with this, she wouldn't be promoting Edgar; she would be demoting him.

Likewise, if she were to agree to Frederic's plan, she would be going in somewhat blind. She didn't really know the man that well, and he mentioned that he would only disclose more information about his childhood if she agreed. If anything, he was giving off more warning signs than Edgar. Frankly, she wanted Edgar's part of the story, but what would he do if he found out that she talked to Frederic? (F/n) already knew that he would be furious, but what would he do in that rage? Still, she didn't know if she could keep such a secret from him and work alongside him at the same time. It would constantly be on her mind, and she knew that she would be betraying him every time that she looked at him. Edgar would be sure to notice that something was wrong, since he was quite excellent at reading her facial expressions or/and figuring out what she was feeling.

Picking up one of her pillows, she laid it over her face and screamed into it. What was she supposed to do? Just why couldn't she fall asleep and think about it later? Edgar was going to ask her why she had bags under her eyes tomorrow, and how would she answer to that? She doubted that he would believe her brushing it off and saying that she just couldn't sleep.

Dragging the pillow down her face, she turned her gaze over to the door leading to the bathroom, which she shared with Edgar. She had heard his room door open and close a few hours ago, so he was probably fast asleep by now. Should she wake him up and just talk to him? Would it be better to face his wrath now than later? If she did so now, betrayal wouldn't be added into the mix. There wouldn't be as much disappointment. Rather, she would be revealing a plan to him that would help him.

Sitting up in her bed, she set the pillow aside and moved off the bed. Although there were benefits to Frederic's plan, she found that she just couldn't go through with it. She cared for Edgar too much to just betray him like that. Perhaps, if Frederic had approached her sooner, she might've agreed, but she couldn't do such a thing now.

Opening the door to the bathroom and afterwards the door connecting the bathroom to Edgar's room, she entered his room and saw him asleep on his bed. The rainbow colored lights in his room illuminated his form, which was curled up in the sheets. He looked so peaceful, and she was about to ruin that peace.

Hands trembling, she stepped more into the room and slowly approached Edgar. Doubts about this idea kept entering her head. They mainly consisted of the fact that he would hate her for talking to his brother and that it would be better to keep him in the dark. Her feet continued to move her closer to him, though, and she found it harder and harder to walk away from him.

Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum