The Workshop's Grandeur

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   Once the two of them had finished eating their breakfast of berry crepes with crème, Edgar had stood up and started to leave the dining room. The book's title, he was previously reading, remained hidden, since his right arm covered the back while the front faced his right side. He didn't say where they were going, but he had merely signaled for her to follow him.

Complying with this, (f/n) constantly tried to view the cover of the book when he would move his arm a little. Occasionally, the book would be tilted in such a way that the front of the book would be nearly visible. Still, it wasn't, and her curiosity wanted to know the title. Just one little peek was all she desired, yet Edgar wasn't permitting her even that. Frankly, she liked surprises, but with Edgar she received too many of them. So, ruining one wouldn't be such a tragic outcome. If anything, it would benefit her.

Soon after they had traveled down the first floor of the west wing, though, they stopped in front of one of the many black wooden doors in the house. The walls, in the lower west wing, were painted so as to look like the ocean. Roaring waves dominated the ocean surface, while beneath the surface coral reefs and seaweed decorated the ocean's lower domain. Dolphins, sharks, stingrays and other various aquatic creatures traversed the lower region as well, as they accompanied smaller beings like clownfish and sea snails. Dark blue chandeliers illuminated the long hallway, and wooden black floorboards covered the ground.

(F/n) wondered what was on other side of the door, but she had an idea of what it was. She hoped that her theory would be her reality in a few moments. As Edgar rested his left hand on the doorknob, she found herself wanting to jump with excitement. Of course, she refrained from doing so, since she wanted to seem somewhat calm.

Edgar continued at his seemingly slow pace until the knob turned. The door, within another few moments, was opened all the way. Behind its wooden body, a room filled with splendor met her (e/c) eyes. If her eyes could sparkle with absolute joy, they would, since before her was a breathtaking sight.

Mahogany shelves lined the walls to the left and right of the door. The shelves on the left side of the room held nearly complete toys, while the right shelves supported boxes of various parts. Each box was labeled, while they alternated in the hues of navy, red, yellow and green. Dark blue carpet complimented the black and white striped walls, and opposite the door was a large mahogany paned window. Red curtains flowed elegantly down to the ground, which was where a wooden bench sat. A black cushion covered the top of this particular piece of furniture.

In the center of the ceiling of the room, a large crystal chandelier hung. It was off for the moment due to the natural light flowing into the space. This sunlight highlighted the large mahogany desk that sat underneath the shelves on the left side of the area. Papers covered part of its surface, as an unfinished bear sat on the middle of the desk's surface. Pens, in the same colors as the boxes, accompanied these objects as well. To admire the desk, a mahogany desk chair, with a red cushion, remained close by.

"This is amazing, Edgar," (f/n) muttered, since she was still taking in all the details.

"I'm glad you like it, since you'll be spending some time in here with me. It will be handy to have someone fetch me the parts I need while working. I won't have to get out of my chair as often."

"Can't you just gather all the parts you need at once?" she asked, thinking such an idea to a better method.

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