The Muse's Confession

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  "I'm sorry, Edgar," (F/n) murmured, keeping her gaze elsewhere, but Edgar gripped her chin with his left hand and forced her to look at him. His right hand was still clamped around her wrists, and his visible eye still held evident rage. Couldn't he understand that his current behavior wasn't helping the situation in the slightest?

"Look at me when you're apologizing! Now, say it again!" he exclaimed, which caused (f/n) to worry that his brother might overhear their conversation.

She wanted to shrink back; she felt like a mouse facing a roaring lion. "I'm sorry, Edgar, but please let me state why I came in here; it's important," she answered, managing to keep herself from stuttering.

"Fine, go on," he replied, calming down a bit, but his grip on her remained the same.

Her nervousness only increasing, she told Edgar what Frederic had proposed to her. During this narration of information, she never saw his gaze lighten. Rather, it maintained a quiet anger that could flare up again. Did he really hate his brother that much? How could such hatred develop if they rarely saw each other as kids and young adults?

When she finished, she waited for his response, which came out in a low threatening tone. "Well, what do you think of this plan? Obviously, you did some debating about it, since you didn't come to me sooner. Tell me, what convinced you to even consider accepting, (f/n)? Was it my brother's looks? The way he talked about how I was so cruel to him? Could it have been the exciting trips that he promised you? Or, was it perhaps the fact that you would have more control in this company than me? Have you all this time actually just wanted to be away from me? Have you been deceiving me, playing me, until you get a chance to run away?"

"You already know my reasoning for sneaking around back then, so don't accuse me of wanting to leave you," she responded, hurt by the accusation. "Sure, traveling around the world sounds exciting, but I found that I couldn't do that if it meant forcing you to be farther away from your creations. I couldn't betray you, Edgar. So, that's why I'm in here telling you all of this. I wanted you to know, so that Frederic wouldn't kick you practically out of the company."

"Is that case? You still haven't told me what your thoughts are about expanding," he answered, seeming to be unaffected by what she just told him. When she didn't answer immediately, he tightened his grip on her.

Wincing, she muttered, "I thought that it wasn't a bad idea." Now, it felt like he would break both of her wrists, and she really wanted him to let go. "It's just that more kids would have access to them; you could hire people that you trust. I could even help you make the additional toys, so that you could observe the process."

He released his grip on her, as a light chuckle escaped his lips. "I-is th-that wh-what you wa-want?" Covering his mouth with his right hand, he laughed a bit more before he calmed himself down. "Don't you see (f/n)? That's exactly what he wants you to do. Didn't you just tell me that he wanted you to have me show you how to make toys? This way you could take over my position. I didn't think that you would reveal what you actually wanted so foolishly to me. Clearly, you thought that you could deceive me. Well, (f/n), it didn't work, so it would seem that I have some business to take care of."

Edgar proceeded to climb out of his bed and head for his room door. (F/n) just felt shocked and injured. Now, he was probably going off to talk to his brother. Well, she didn't know if it would just be talking with him. Frankly, Edgar's laughing terrified her even more, since there was a dark undertone to it. The pissed off gleam in his visible eye didn't help ease her mind either. If anything, it he seemed like he was going to rip his brother's head off.

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