Chapter 5: The First Adventure/A Dinner Party

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The rest of the day I sat around, flipping through the file, ignoring comments from Barton & Co., and mentally preparing myself for the insanity that was to come.

But first?

To settle in, and to get used to Budapest.

But the next adventure?

Dinner party.


"Why do we have to do this again?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"Because it's in the file! We have to go to this thing!"

"I'm not getting dressed." I called.

The door swung open and I almost fell on my face again.

"Yes you are." Barton said. "Get in there."

"No," I said, standing like a rock.

Barton pushed me in and locked the door from the outside.

"Get changed or I'm not letting you out."

"That means we are never going to leave."

"Fine." I heard a click. "Get dressed."

"What if I still say no?"

There was a pause as he thought of an appropriate punishment.

"I'll drag you to the party- naked."

"I'll get dressed," I said hastily. "But only because I don't want to go naked."

"I'm sure you don't," I could hear him roll his eye.

I twisted the handle and said "Done."

"Fast," He said.


"Now put makeup on and let us get out of here."

"Hold on," I said. "I am absolutely not wearing clown clothes."

Barton laughed. A real laugh... that simply would not stop.

"There is nothing funny about me referring to makeup as clown clothes!" I exclaimed. "It's not funny, not at all- because that's what makeup is! Clothing for clowns!!"

I had a laughing man at my feet.

I kicked him.

"Oh, shut up and shape up."

"Sorry," He said, wiping tears from his eyes. "That may be the funniest thing I have ever heard."

"Shut up."

"Yeah, okay, whatever. You don't have to wear clown clothes-" He let out a snort. "But at least get shoes so we can get going."

In our jobs in Budapest, we were commonly known as 'the couple'. I hated this because (1) we where not a couple except (2) they didn't know that or (3) need to know that. It worked out for everyone- always excluding Barton and I.

But thanks to Fury, I was forced to keep my tap shut. I really loved him for that.

But the people we worked with where silly little mortals, and so I had to pretend I was something that I wasn't and this little girl is not one for crystal chandeliers, nice dresses (clown clothes) etc. Give me a gun or a mission any day.

A mission that does not involve crystal chandeliers, nice dresses, etc.

But being the loving director Fury was, I had to pretend I was in love with Barton, and the rest of the world had to believe it too.

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