Lazy Law

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The plan was simple: squeeze all five captains together in order to bring the old one back! There was just one tiny problem... you couldn't find them anywhere on the submarine, and you were underwater!

Well... except a lazy Law who staied in bed.

"It's ok Bepo, they'll come out eventually." You stroked his head gently.

You tried cheering Bepo but the truth was you started doubting you'd ever find them. A whole afternoon had passed and no sign of the other four Laws. The only one you got untill now was a sleepy one, he didn't run away like the others but also didn't move a muscle for anything.

"As long as we don't imerge we'll still have chances to catch them." Penguin concluded with a big yawn.

"Right, and now that the whole crew knows about it the search will be easier!" Shachi's yawn spread to you next.

Bepo stopped crying and composed himself returning your gentle smile.

"So what's for dinner?" You felt your stomach growl in symphony with the other's.

With that your group found its way to the kitchen and filled their empty stomachs in happiness. Afterwards, you said your goodbyes and went to bed, you had to be ready, tomorrow was going to be a long day!

"Finally!" You entered your room already half naked, throwing the rest of your clothes somewhere on the ground, and slipped right under your covers. "Ahhhh..."

"Hmm..." Another moan filled the silent dark room of yours as a pair of arms pulled you from behind forcing you to stay on one side.

Instinct told you not to move a muscle but your eyes refused to stay closed. The stranger hugged you closer and also imprisioned you with one of his legs above yours. Your heart raced faster than ever and your eyes widened, if that was even possible.

"Law?..." You dared to brake the silence and the person beside you chuckled slightly.

You could feel the sheets slip down and the warm on your back decrease as the weigh on your sholder incrised slowly. Your eyes closed imediatly at this proximity but your unprotected ear stayed alert at the soft brush...


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Your scream was quickly muted by a big hand covering your mounth and almost your nose, which made it difficult for you to breath but not impossible.

The bites didn't stop, altought they became softer and wetter. Soon, they were turned into licks and hickeys along the neck, from your ear to your shoulder.

Your arms and legs were of no use against his strength, alowing him the liberty of playing with one of your breasts with his lower hand. You could feel some kind of textil between your bodies indicating he wasn't naked, unlike you.

'Damned naked sleeping habit!' You thought to yourself as your blush grew redder.

"Bad (Y/N)... trying to seduce me in my sleep." He whispered in your ear in a teasing way blowing soft air in it. He knew your weak point and used it to torture you!

The tickles in your ear gave you a weird sensation on your back, which you couldn't exactly explain. You just felt it run down your spine, making your back arch back consequently touching Law's not so sleepy friend.

Your moans came out louder as you began to beg him to stop, thought you didn't want him to. Deep down you were enjoying rubbing your butt on his erect member, it almost seemed like he was inside you, like you two were finally one.

"Why? Why do you keep chosing others and not me?" You could clearly hear him mumble between kisses and hickeys "I may not be fluffy as Bepo or cheerfull and funny as Shachi and Penguin but i care for you more than anyone... (Y/N)." His drowsiness made his voice sound hoarse and sexy, nearly giving you a nosebleed.

You wanted to talk, to comunicate with him but his hand would never let you, so you improvised. Kissing the palm of his hand, you successfully called his attention. His hand moved to your chin, which gently turned your head tothe side and alowing him to kiss you on the lips.

It was a soft and long lasting kiss, a sweet and passionate peck. Similar to the previous kiss, but still different.

You turned around and cupped your hand on his cheek a bit uncertain "I thought you were mad at me..."

"I was mad at myself." He smiled and kissed you once more.

"Why?" Cuiriosity won over you.

"Talk to the sad me." He buried his face in your breasts and trapped your arms in a hug.

"H-Hey! W-We're not done talking!" You shoke your body making Law unconfortable "Y-You perv!"

"Thc! Why did I have to fall for such a troublesome woman?" He growled while climbing upper and snugling in your neck.

"R-R-REALLY?" You smiled and squealed happily.

"Mm-hm..." He pulled the covers with his eyes closed ready to sleep.

"H-How can you not be e-embarrassed after c-confessing?" You relaxed a little making yourself confortable in his embrasse.

"I'm too lazy for that."

My five Captains! (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now