Signs a Guy Doesn't Like You

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He's Not Around You And Makes No Effort To Be Around You

This is the single most important sign.

When a guy wants something – he's going to go after it. He's not going to sit back twiddling his thumbs.

So if he's not spending time with you, hanging around, and making excuses to hang out with you... when is he going to have the opportunity to try to get closer to you?

The short answer is, he's not.

Guys aren't stupid. If he wants you, he knows that he has to spend time with you and be around you in order to get closer to you.

So if he's not hanging around, or hanging out with you, or even showing up in your life – he's not trying to go after you... which means he doesn't like you.

He Doesn't Really Listen When You Talk And Doesn't Remember What You Tell Him

People remember things that are important to them.

I couldn't tell you a single word of my trigonometry textbook from 11th grade math class – because it wasn't important to me.

But I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing the first time a girl ever told me she loved me (Cindy Rosen, listening to Bruce Springsteen... funnily enough – also in 11th grade.)

The truth is – most of our days are forgettable. They're not good, they're not bad, they just kind of happen, and then fall by the wayside.

Your brain knows this. Since it has a limited capacity for memory (unless you've got an AMAZING photographic memory), your brain is going to edit out the parts it thinks aren't important, while remembering the parts that are. That's why you remember an session from a few years ago in detail, but can't remember what you had for lunch last week.

That's actually a nice trick to discover what people are really interested in deep down. Because your subconscious is controlling what you remember and don't remember, you can get a good feel for what's important to someone deep down in their subconscious by paying attention to what they remember and don't remember.

Simply put: if your subconscious decides something is important, you're going to remember it.

And , his subconscious is 100% going to know about it – and it's going to automatically make him remember the things you say.

If he's not listening to you or remembering the things you say, it means you're not important to him. Can you remember the last time you liked a guy and he wasn't important to you (at least right then?)

Obviously, if he's trying to learn how to juggle 3 flaming chainsaws when you tell him your favorite color – he might not remember.

But 99% of the time, , he's going to listen to you, and remember the things you tell him.

He Doesn't Care About Your Relationships With Other Men Even In The Slightest

Let's play pretend.

You say to him, "I saw my friend Steve last night."

Do his ears perk up? Does his tone of voice change? Most importantly: does he ask, "Who's Steve?"

If he's into you – he's gonna care about the other guys you're hanging out with. And unless he's the suavest man on the planet – he's going to reveal he cares (even if he just makes a joke) about what you did with "Steve."

Guys are hardwired to pick up on competition. It's what we've evolved to do.

That's why if you can't get a guy to care about something, the best way to get him hooked is to make it into a competition.

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