Chapter 13

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Emma's POV

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I made it.

There were dejected sighs around the room so I bit back my excitement and closed the letter of acceptance and opened my math homework instead.

My brain was racing so fast I couldn't focus on the work I should have been working on. I spent the 30 minutes of Study Hall staring at my empty worksheet and trying not to smile too widely.

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When I told my family there I had made it onto the and almost final round,they were even more excited than I had been. To celebrate, my mom was okay with us watching Jason Bourne after dinner. But I was scared to text Grace and see if she had made it. In order to avoid having to talk about it to anyone plugged my phone into its charger and didn't check it until the next morning.


Grace's POV


When I had gotten my letter during Study Hall I was a part of the dejected sighs. There was one big grin though: Brett had made it. He, of course, began bragging about it.

"Hey, guess what," he said to Rebecca who happened to be sitting next to him, (this was a very bad decision on her part in sitting next to him and on his part for choosing to talk to her about his achievements).

Rebecca, who had already seen the grin and had probably read over his shoulder if he'd made it or not replied, "Two thumbs, Brett."


Rebecca sighed, having to explain herself yet again, "guess who has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap?" She asked showing him her two thumbs.

Brett blinked and Rebecca turned her thumbs to point at herself.

"This girl!"

The few people around them laughed softly and I joined them. Brett needed a deflater every once in a while and Rebecca had done just that. I turned back to them again and started on my homework.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to move on and Brett did but I guess things happen for a reason. I was scared to text Emma, half because I didn't want to know if she had made it and half because I didn't want to bring it up if she hadn't.

I guess tomorrow would be awkward for us both.


Forest's POV

The morning that the results came out I boarded a plane.

Today I was going to Washington D. C. to talk to the President. Of course I was totally chill (not) and pulled together (not) and didn't forget anything (okay that was true but you get the picture, it was not fun to be Forest today).

Can I also add that the press are not fun to talk to, they're smart and have a bunch of questions to undermine you and get you to mess up. Thankfully I had already practiced with Chris and had a good idea of what kind of questions they would ask me.

A few hours later, my brain now turned to mush having  talked to one of the most powerful people on the planet and the fast talking reporters I walked smoothly (not) into the plane and almost immediately fell asleep as we traveled yet again to Kansas.

The final test was being pulled together, and there would of course be problems that Chris and I would have to deal with and there would be people we would have to calm down and assure and smiles to flash and pictures to pose for and hands to shake and contestants to talk to and a million other things that would have to be done.

So after days of not being able to sleep I did, which, looking back, was a very good thing.

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