Chapter 18

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Forest's POV

There were thirty rooms to begin with, that would mean that there would be sixty students moving on to the next round, with twelve in each room for the second round there would be the ten finalists who would then be led to the room that I was in currently and face off against me and Chris.

The other sections would have an unknown man and a computer but this lucky section had me and my genius friend.

We were getting updates on each of the rooms every now and then. Almost half had finished so we just paired them with each other and they continued on but there were a few that were still battling it out, just one too many students who deserved to move on to the next round.


Emma's POV

"What is the square root of 15,625?" The girl's pencil was scratching to try and figure out what was even possible for the answer.

"125," she said just as the timer was about to buzz.

Brett grimaced and we shared a frown.

We had been fighting at this level for the past twenty minutes, most of the other rooms had to be waiting for us to finish. I had almost just asked if it would be alright to just have us all move on to the next round seeing that we were all "worthy" of moving on.

"Alright, lets move on to literature," the peppy teacher said, her smile had slowly melted off her face the longer this round had gone on and the other students sitting around the room had a mixture of amazment and annoyance.

Brett rolled his shoulders in preparence for his question.

"Who is given a red "A" in the Scarlet Letter?"

Brett pursed his lips as the timer counted down.

15... 14... 13... 12... 11... 10...

I didn't even know this answer, what was I going to do on the next question if he got it right?

9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 

"Heather!" Brett blurted out, his eyes closing in relief as the teacher nodded.

"Well done!" she then turned to me, "ready?" I gave a small nod, not ready in the least. "Alright, who wrote the mystery books that starred a private detective from Belgium?"

I blessed my mother for getting me interested in mystery tv shows as I answered, "Agatha Christie."


I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright, let's see if you can get it as well!" The teacher said to the mousy haired girl. "What is the best selling novel of all time?"

The mousy haired girl smirked, "the bible." she said simply but the teacher frowned and I thought I heard wrong as she said:

"I'm sorry, that's incorrect, the Bible is the best selling book of all time but the best selling novel is Don Quixote. Good run, though!" She then turned to Brett and I, "congrats! You get to move on to the next round!"

Brett turned to me and flashed me a grin before walking towards the door that both teachers were ushering us out of. I congratulated the mousy haired girl then followed him as if I were in a dream.

I had made it into the second to final round of the competition. I was in the top 60 students.

I could not belive it.

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