Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

We were led to a different room which already had ten other students sitting quietly in their seats. Brett took the seat in the back so I took the one closer to the front.

The male teacher gave us a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes as he welcomed us then jumped right in.

"There will be two winner again," the teacher said, "And those two will make it on to the final round."

A few people took a deep breath and everyone straightened up at the words.

"Ready?" the teacher asked, flashing us a not-so-real smile once again. "Alright, here we go."


Forest's POV

As the last semi-finals room was filled and began quizzing Chris took a deep breath and stood up, moving to grab a glass of water.

My stomach had started churning as we waited for news.

The questions in this round would be harder and more complx than the questions from the past round. Little did they know, the questions in the final round would be something unlike they could ever prepare for.


Emma's POV

"Name twenty numbers in pi," the teacher read off and I took a deep breath. In my math class my teacher had given us extra credit for as many numbers as we could name from pi-- this would be easy, even though it had taken out the two people in front of me.



I breathed a sigh of relief as the next question was asked to the next person. We had been at this for almost an hour and there were now only five people still standing. Each question required more and more complex answers as we moved farther along in the list of questions.

Brett was still standing but everyone who was still standing seemed to be fading. It was a matter of minutes before someone else would have to sit.

I prayed it wouldn't be me.


Forest's POV

The first room had finished, the students were all dismissed to go to the commons and eat lunch.

Then they would be admitted one by one in to the room Chris and I were still sitting in and be asked one question.

They question they woud be asked?

I'll give you a hint:

It's only one word.

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