Chapter 6-Pickup Game?

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I AM RE-PUBLISHING THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE UPDATED ONE PUBLISHED BUT IT'S NOT HERE ANYMORE AND I AM SO UPSET!!!!!!! Long story short please re-read this chapter!!!!!!!!!!! thank you <33333333333

"Why is this here!" I yell in frustration as I nearly trip on Josh's off-red toy fire truck.

"New Joshua craze.." Mom reminds me.
Ever since we moved in he has been sorting everything in the new place, and it is expanding into everything in general. Things with the same colors go together, same texture go together, goes on and on.
"So I'm guessing off-red firetruck matches my red and pink carpet." I laugh.
You need to use humor with these things.
Ding Dong!
My brother gets really upset by doorbells. I guess with everything going on we forgot to remove the doorbell.
"Just a minute!" I call to whoever is at the door.
"Mom!" I call.
"Can you get that?!"
I rush into Josh's room.
I was lucky this time, he's fast asleep.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not have to worry about little things like doorbells or getting stares in public.
I dart out of Josh's room as fast as I could before I can potentially wake my sleeping little brother.
"Yeah?"I ask as I push my dark hair into a top knot.
"Your friend is at the door."
I feel my heart skip a beat.
"Asher?!" I whisper.
"No, I know he's a lot more than a friend..." Mom smirks. "It's your friend Mia."
"Oh ok. I'll be right there."
I grab my phone and stick it in my back jean pocket.
"Hey, Mia! What's up?!" I ask, shutting the door behind me.
"Hey! I love your shirt!"
I look down at my fitted pale blue t-shirt which reads "Will Work for Cookies" with a Cookie Monster silhouette on the bottom.
"Aw, thank you!" I giggle. "It's super comfy."
"So what's up?"
Mia smiles as she looks at the ground.
"I know it's stupid...but you know that guy I like? He is in our complex's basketball court right now. I kind of want to join him but I'm scared to go alone. Do you think maybe..."
"Of course I'll come." I say with a smile.
"You're the best!" Mia sequels as we enter the staircase.
"Don't think that I'm using you for this, I promise I'm not."
"No, I don't think that. Besides, I wouldn't mind even if you were. I don't know anyone here really except for my boyfriend."
"Aww! Well I'll help you make some friends, Aly."
"Thank you..."
We reach the main entrance.
"Ok, the courts are out back this way."
"Let me just warn you, I'm not very athletic."
"No worries! But with your boo and my friend on Nova, it wouldn't hurt to practice a bit wouldn't it?"
"I guess not." I laugh.
"Nova boys sure are cute..." Mia mumbles.
We walk outside and enter the court.
As soon as we walk in Evan turns around and watches us.
"Wow, that's interesting."
Mia looks up quickly.
"Oh, hey Evan.." Mia says softly.
"What is?"
"How are you expecting to play ball...without a ball?"
Mia blushes.
"Oh, I don't know...we were just going to, I don't know..."
"I'm just teasing, Mia. Don't mind me.."
I can understand why he's Asher's best friend.
"And hello to you, New Girl."
I smile.
"How did you know I'm new?"
"I don't. I just say that to people I don't know..except I do have to say you look very familiar. I've definitely met you before.."
Because we did. When you came to visit Asher. But you don't need to know that. I'd rather not say that right now because Evan should be focused on Mia, not me.
I shrug.
"Yeah, maybe."
Evan shrugs as well.
"Do you guys want to play?" He asks us.
We look at each other.
"I think you should." I tell Mia.
"Ok, sure.."
"What about you, New Girl?"
"Umm...I'll watch from over here." I say as I back down on the side gravel.
I start daydreaming when I'm woken by an alarmingly loud voice.
We all look up, startled.
"Hey, Dudey!" Evan calls.
"New Girl, want to join in for a pickup?"
I widen my eyes.
Me? Pickup game?
I shrug.
"Oh, no..I...I don't play" I shake my head.
"I'm sure you can play, it wouldn't be fair to play two on one." Evan explains.

"I'd beat you even if we played three on one, you little rascal!"

"Oh, Aly! The kid running over is my Villanova friend!" Mia exclaims.
I take a closer look.

Aly-Oops!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant