Chapter 16- Livin' The Al Mentality

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Hello beautiful readers 😇
Sooo I know a lot of you miss Asher and I miss him too😭
But have no fear! He will be reappearing next week 😍😍😍

"Issy! Relax please! Just tell us what happened." Brit exclaims, running over to Issy's side.
I have never seen a person this angry in my life, she is red hot with vengeance in the eyes.
Issy snatches a folded up magazine from her back pocket and hands it to Barittini.
"So freaking Asher Westman is apparently a model now or something...little piece of crap, what else does he need going for him?! And now he is featured in this Seventeen magazine. Look what is says: Meet heartthrob sensation Asher Westman, latest basketball star and teen model, along with his best friend Evan Sugary. This fab duo is officially single and ready to mingle-"
I cannot even express how angry I am  right now! I feel tricked, betrayed-
"What the heck?! Wait, how did you know that Asher is with Aly? Do you even know Aly?"
"Asher? I'm just pissed at Asher for being the puppet master behind publishing this shit! Like I know us cheerleaders pull crap on them too, but this just crosses the line! Evan and I have been dating for six months now, I expect a little more decency from him! I can't believe Asher would let this happen! If he is really best friends with Evan he should know that Ev is clearly taken. Taken by me!"
So Evan double cheated?!?!
"What?! Issy you're not with Evan. I'm with Evan..." Emily exclaims in anger as a look of loath covers her face.
"But Evan liked me...and he liked you, Al.." Mia adds.
"Wait, Aly..aren't you dating Asher?" Barittini asks me.
All eyes turn to me and I blush so hard...
"It was one kiss! Evan kissed me, but I didn't ask for it! He just...did it! And I couldn't stop it and...." I feel myself growing hotter and hotter with shame.
"Well...Asher and I were having all these fights about how he is never around with basketball, and starting modeling,..and it just felt like he was putting me on the back burner. Then he lied, and pretended he was sick because of his Tourette's...and then it turned out that was a lie...not about having a Tourette's, just being sick..and then I was all upset, and Evan felt bad..and he was really nice to me. Like really nice. And then he kissed me. But it was just one kiss! And I didn't know he was cheating, but I knew I was and...I'm really sorry.." I ramble on and on and my voice is shaking with emotion.
I break down crying again.
"Aww, Aly.." Barittini crawls closer to me, and offers an embrace. "There's no need to apologize.."
"Aly, I know I don't really know you,...but you really didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to feel guilty, and Asher has a lot to work on." Grace tells me sincerely.
"Thanks, guys.." I sniffle. "It's just been really hard lately.."
"Yeah, It's ok, Al. We get it." Emily sighs.
"Yeah, get it alright. You cheating skank!" Issy hisses at Emily.
"Oh I'm a cheating skank?! If you're such a clean slate than why did none of us know you were even with Sugary?!" Emily yells.
"Guys!" I scream over all the bickering.

The room goes silent.

Wow, score for Aly!
"Isn't this pretty obvious? Evan played all of us to try and get us to all fall apart at some point. He did it to me and Mia, to all of you girls,...and me and Asher. I hate to say it, because he's Asher's best friend...but he's not who he says he is. And we are most certainly not letting him split us up..."
"Aw, are so right...we need to stick together...Guys, I have a confession to make..." Mia says softly.
"My mom was laid off last night and she told me about it this morning...I'm just super scared and my world is spinning upside down. It's just so hard to focus on things like this when I have no idea what will happen to us next and..." Mia starts to cry.
"I just love you guys so much, and care about team..and if I am setting back the team in anyway because of this-"
Mia is interrupted by an eruptive cry.
Barittini runs and grabs a box of tissues.
"Mia.." I say softly.
I throw my phone off to the side as I walk toward Mia and hug her.
"Mia, you don't have to do anything. We love you." Issy tells her.
"My dad is in jail.." Grace says softly.
All eyes turn toward her.
"I figured since we all were opening up right now, I want to tell you."
"Oh, I so sorry..." Emily says softly.
"He left for incarceration when I was eight. He became addicted to my brother's meds...I don't really want to get into it, I just want you to all know why he's never around."
We go around the entire room and spill our hearts out to each other. I've never felt so much support in my life..

Suddenly, all eyes turn to me...

"Guys, I know I just met all of you, but it makes me so happy to witness how sisterly you all are...I...I used to be a cheerleader at my old school...and I was...I was in a dark place because of them...they bullied not only me but my entire family. So, my brother has autism. We moved here so he can go to a special school here in Philadelphia. Josh is a really smart kid..Which is partially why I am so emotional about Asher. We would have never discovered this school if we never met him and came to his Tourette walk. That's how we learned about this school...anyway I'm digressing right now, which is surprising because I'm actually a really shy person..."
Everyone smiles at me.
"Anyway, this girl Maya saw my brother with me at practice one day and spread a rumor that he was my child, and he has autism because of incest."
I start breaking down into tears again. I feel a slew of arms wrap around me. But not just me, everybody. I'm finally bonding with a team.
"That's terrible.." Mia says, sincerely.
"Aw I'm so sorry, Aly..."
"It's ok, it built me up, you know? It helped me meet Ash because I started this buddy program after the whole thing happened. It was a mentorship for students with disabilities. Sienna, Asher's mom...she was worried about how this new school would affect his Tourette's, so she signed him up. He became my buddy..."
"Stop! That's adorable!" Issy exclaims.
I smile.
"Aly, I really hope you join the squad, this is really what it's all about." Barittini tells me.
"You know, I was a little skeptical at first, but I think I really want to." I admit.
"I'm glad." Brit smiles. "We are different here, I promise nothing like that will ever happen again here with us."
"Thank you..."
"Guys..." Emily says between tears.
"Why did Issy say Jerry was dead to her too?..."
Everyone giggles a little bit.
"Wait what?" Issy asks.
"You said Evan, Asher, and Jerry were dead to you..."
"Oh. He's just so darn sarcastic and I can't take it!"
We all laugh. I don't know Jerry too well, but from the little I have seen, and how Asher describes him as his "overly sarcastic friend", she's got a point!
Veeep!! Veeep!!
A cell phone begins to vibrate.
"Uh, my phone!" Emily rolls her eyes.
We all just awkwardly listen in.
Emily hits the speaker button.
"Is this Emily?"
"Asher? Why the hell are you calling me?! You are dating Aly, and let me tell you, you make her happy whether she wants you to or not and you're just throwing it out the window! You can cheat all you want, but not with me and not Aly!"
"Emily...umm...I didn't mean to call you. And I don't really know what you're talking about."
"You're full of it, Westman! And you know it! That magazine article?!"
"Emily, that's really none of your business."
"Really? Then don't friggin call me!" Emily hangs up.
"Girls, enough with the pity party..its payback time! I'm officially calling operation project sabotage!"

Wow, I think I'm living the life I want to live. In living the Al mentality the way I want to..

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