Chapter 11-Be a Mensch, Not a Gentleman

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"Asher?" I say softly into the phone.
I slowly pull it away from my face, and turn toward Evan and Mia.
"You guys have fun, I think I should be alone." I sigh.
Before either of them can respond I find a bench in the corner and slowly sit down on it.
"Aly..." he mumbles in his cute waking up voice.
"Were you sleeping?" I ask.
"No, it's ok." Asher mumbles.
"Asher, why aren't you at the carnival? I don't understand why you wouldn't tell me you weren't coming. " I sniffle.
"I told Evan. Didn't he tell you?"
"But, Asher. I don't know...forget it." I shake my head.
"I just wanted to check in on you. See if you're feeling better?"
"What did Evan tell you?"
"That you're Tourette is acting up or something."
"I told him that?"
I narrow my eyes.
"Is that not true?" I ask sternly.
"Half true."

"Why do we keep coming back to the same discussion?! Asher tell me why you keep bailing on me." I ask point blank.

"Aly, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Whatever happened to you always being by my side? Or showing me around? Remember the bracelet you gave me? Or when the last time we saw each other was my favor to you to help Zoey? And even then you only stuck around because your parents forced you to. You cancelled the plans to show me around Philly, and you left early from the family dinner that was vey important to my family! Asher, I really don't understand you. You made a promise. You never make an effort to stay in touch anymore and then the information you give is not even accurate! If you don't want to be with me anymore, why won't you just say it! You know Evan would-"
"I started modeling."
I nearly fall off the bench.
"I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want anyone else to know. But between my family obsessing over you, bugging me with life, and spoiling my sister, they were really starting to piss me off so I decided that I would just accept the modeling thing as a bit of an escape."
"Are you serious? I thought basketball was so dominant in your schedule that it was all you had time for, but you were able to squeeze in modelling?! So all this time when you were so busy and needed an excuse to get away you could have just spent time with me...Asher I am really annoyed at you."

"You told me I should take on modeling. You sounded encouraging at the dress store!"

I don't even know what to say at this point.

"You know what, Aly. You don't know what my life is like right now."

"I'm sorry that living your dream is so difficult."

Did I seriously just say that?!

"Aly, maybe it's not that simple. You don't know what other people are going through. Did you ever think of that?"

"And you think I don't realize that?! Are you serious?! Ash, you can't let us get to that point! You know that I know that! You know all my secrets, and I know yours."

"Not all of them..." I hear Asher mumble.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. Look, I'm sorry that it's not working out."

"But Asher I didn't think know maybe you should learn a thing or two from Evan!" I exclaim, and nearly fall over after realizing that actually came out of my mouth. What is up with me and the word vomit today!

"What about Evan?"

"Nothing.." I shake my head.
"What? There must be something."
"He was comforting me for what you did. He really knows how to be a gentleman."
"Well thanks, Aly. Why don't you just date my best friend instead then!"
I stand up in anger.
"Oh ok, I see. You lie through your best friend to me pretending you are sick, don't bother to tell me anything anymore, not to mention you are never around,and when I explain how I feel you just-"
"Maybe we need a break, Aly!"
I feel tears well up in my eyes.
They are streaming now.
"Asher, you are amazing and..I don't want to break up with you.."
"Well I'm not breaking up with you. I just need a break. With basketball and modeling,and...well.. I just can't figure everything out.."
"But Asher! You can't be the one to call dibs on a break! You're the one who's letting me down, I should be calling break on you! You let me know when you figure everything out, because apparently I am not a priority for you anymore. Call me back when you actually have the time for me, Asher Joel." And that is the first time I've ever hung up on anyone before.

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