Chapter 22- When Push Comes To Shove

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The tour is over so I head into the gymnasium to watch Asher's game. I love to watch him play the sport he adores so much.

As I walk up the bleachers I notice Ash peer up at me and he blows me a kiss.

I nearly melt....

Even though we have been together for over a year it still feels like he is a fresh crush and I am just learning that he likes me too...

Asher is my first real deal and he is really special to me.

"Aly!" I look up.

"Hey!" I exclaim as Sienna and Zoey (Ash's mom and sister) sit down next to me.

"This is a big game."

"It sure is. Asher's been stressing about it for a while." Sienna tells me. "I'm glad he will get it over with so we don't have to hear about it any longer." she laughs.

"Seriously...." Zoey rolls her eyes.


"Woooh!!" Zoey cheers as she cups her hands around her mouth.

"Yeah Asher!" I yell.

Ash's team runs out and take their seats along the sideline.

"And now the visiting team...."

I pick up my raspberry Snapple iced tea. All the people and heat in this gym makes me thirsty.

There is a long dramatic pause as the away team begins the open the gymnasium doors.

"Clifftown High School Lizards!"

I nearly spit out my iced tea....

"Isn't that?..." Zoey turns to me as her pin straightened hair falls over her shoulder.

"Yes...that was my old high school...."

I feel a cold sweat overcome me as I recognize every crumb head enter the gym one by one.

"All the more reason we need to win this."

"They didn't let Asher play..." Zoey says softly.

"They treated him like crap too..." I sigh.

I glance over at Asher who looks white as a ghost.

"COME ON ASHER!! YOU GOT THIS FLASHES!" I scream as loud as I could. Man, I'm not really this type...

Ash locks eyes with Nick who passes him the ball.

"Yeah Asher!" Zoey cheers.

Asher runs down the court as he dribbles the ball quicker than I've ever seen.

As soon as he is about to shoot the ball, Todd bumps into Asher, knocking the ball out of his hands.

"What was that?! He can't do that!" I turn to Zoey.

"He just pushed Ash, didn't he?"

I glance over at Asher's mom who is happily filming the game on her phone. I'm not sure if she can see what is going on from where she is sitting.

Honestly, I am not sure if anybody else even is noticing what is going on besides Zoey and I...

Ash's friend Jerry gets a hold of the ball again and passes it to Nick.

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