chapter four

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joshuaburrage, mair_reynolds, and 2,674 others likedbentylercook: cheesin' for a two show day view all 79 comments mair_reynolds: kinda salty that you're more flexible than i'll ever be, but this pic is still #cuteafbabetylercook:  ^^^^ SHOOKbenty...

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joshuaburrage, mair_reynolds, and 2,674 others liked
bentylercook: cheesin' for a two show day
view all 79 comments
mair_reynolds: kinda salty that you're more flexible than i'll ever be, but this pic is still #cuteaf
babetylercook:  ^^^^ SHOOK
bentylercook: @mair_reynolds ;-)
@rosie_christine followed you!
new direct message from @rosie_christine

rosie o'neil:
mair and ben tho ;)))

Joshua Burrage:
took long enough.
just mentally preparing my best man speech for their wedding

rosie o'neil:
you and me both buddy
not ben's best man
mair's maid of honor speech
ignore my mistakes pls

Joshua Burrage:
what mistakes?

rosie o'neil:
me, making a mistake?? oh never!

Joshua Burrage:
i would never accuse you of making a mistake !
nice to finally speak to you, miss o'neil :)

rosie o'neil:
it is an honor to speak to you as well
i really hope i didn't make a fool out of myself

Joshua Burrage:
we just started talking and somehow you are already my favorite person
you have officially made my day, thank you rosaline

also before i make a fool out of myself, literally i love your vlogs so much
that sounds creepy
i love your vlogs in a non creepy way.

rosie o'neil:
well, i thank you for that in a non creepy way as well
this short conversation has been the highlight of my day, but i must bid you adieu
5 minute call 😬
talk to you later, mr burrage :))

Joshua Burrage:
break a leg !!
i will be awaiting the next dm from you
shit that sounds creepy again

rosie o'neil:
sure thing, creep ;)

"why are you smiling at your phone, joshua?" ben asked with a confused look on his face, turning his attention from the hotel tv."he's probably texting a giiiiiiirl." sky teased with a wink, spinning back and forth in the desk chair by the window. "i was not! literally the only girls i know are down the hallway, and why would i text them when i could  go down there." josh defended himself; if the boys knew he was direct messaging rosie, he would be the talk of the cast, and that is not what he wanted. "i saw a video of a dog falling down the stairs.."

"whatever burrage, keep your secrets from your dear friends." sky replied, knowing he wouldn't get anything out of him. he turned to ben instead, "enough about joshua.. benji, is there something you'd like to tell us? a secret relationship maaaybe?"

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