Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 – Shopping Bans

I'm currently out in the woods for a walk. I'm also not right in the head because I chose to go alone despite Vulcan's warnings to not wander around the territory without him or a guard. Crying out in shock as I trip over yet another stone, I dust myself off and curse Vulcan for not letting me tag along to his stupid pack meeting. 

''You're not allowed yet.'' He had said before leaving me in his house that looked like a thousand wars had happened when we had that week-long separation. What was I, a little girl? 

''Aurora Maxwell?'' A voice calls from behind, making me snap back to reality and turn around.

Three men dressed in a blue, white and gold uniform step out from the trees in sync, a scroll in the hands of one man. I eye them suspiciously when I realize they know my name. Their faces are hidden by the hoods of their royal blue cloaks, making it impossible for me to see their faces. I feel uneasy at the sudden change in the atmosphere as the man in the middle holds out the scroll to me.

''We are unable to travel any further as we have other commitments, will you please deliver this to King Romanov for us?''

''Sure," I reply, making them beam at me. "What's in it for me?''

''What do you mean?''

''What's in it for me? I'm not Vulcan's messenger who runs out to collect his mail for him.'' I deadpan, crossing my arms.

''I'll give you twenty bucks.'' The deep voice deadpans, while the man fishes in his pocket and pulls out the dollar bill.

''Sold!'' I grin, taking the scroll and money from him before waving goodbye and watching them walk away, chuckling to themselves.

I return to Vulcan's house slowly, looking up at the puffy, white clouds floating across the blue sky, the green leaves of the tall trees swaying in the gentle wind. It's a beautiful day with a warm breeze blowing my locks askew. The birds chirp from their nests and squirrels and rabbits run around, making me smile...until I trip over a vine for the fourth time today. Screaming in anger, I untangle my leg before marching my way back with my fists clenched by my side.

I can hear noises as I near and soon, I break through the treeline and stumble out of the woods. Looking up, I see Vulcan halt in his speech on a large rock that seems to be a stage for the huge number of people crowded around it, each and every one of them staring at me.

''Aurora?'' Vulcan frowns and gestures for me to approach him, my name echoing in the clearing because of the microphone in front of him.

Gasps and murmurs erupt in the crowd as I make my way up to him, frowning at them in confusion. Some are even squealing in delight which I find quite weird.

''Hey,'' I accept his hand, that's outstretched towards me, and let him pull me up onto the slab of rock. ''Some men told me to give this to you.''

''Twenty dollars?''

I look down at his hand before snatching the money from him and placing the scroll in its place. ''Oh no, that's mine. I charged them to deliver this.''

I look around at the vast field littered with people as he reads the scroll. I smile and wave back at the people who wave at me before turning to face Vulcan, who is now looking at me with wide eyes.

''Were they in a blue, white and gold uniform, with cloaks?''

''Yeah! How'd you know?''

''Aurora,'' He sighs and rolls up the scroll, handing it over to Indigo who chuckles at me. ''You charged the Royals?''

The Hybridजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें