Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - Afraid to Get Close

"I highly suggest we put him on trash-picking duty, that jerk needs to be shown who's boss." I state, glancing at a sleeping Kaden to make sure he doesn't wake up.

"What is with you and putting people on trash-picking duty? And which boss are you talking about exactly?" Vulcan questions, raising a thick brow while he leans against the door frame, his arms crossed.

I scoff in disbelief over how clueless he is. "Me of course, who else?"

We're talking about the burly man from earlier, whose name is Vitaly, I have learned. He has a wife and two kids, both in their teen years and nearing their first shift.

I felt queasy when Vulcan had explained to me in detail about the shift, every bone in their body will snap to accommodate the transformation and it could go on for hours before they finally turn into a wolf. The process itself sounds grueling.

I look back to Vulcan who rolls his eyes at my reply before pushing himself off the door frame. He's wearing dark jeans with a white t-shirt that does nothing to hide the contours and planes of his muscled body, outlining every ridge and dip.

His eyes have returned to the familiar bright green that I love and his tousled brown hair hangs on his forehead in a messy fashion. All in all, my Alpha mate is so painstakingly beautiful that my heart hurts sometimes, in a good way, to think that he's all mine.

Looking away before I'm caught, I focus my eyes on the healing gash on Kaden's arm. I feel guilty for sleeping the day away whilst he was getting beaten for something that he didn't do. I believed him when he said that had no intentions to harm me. Based on his behavior since the day we met, I know we'll always remain good friends regardless of these titles.

Sighing, I run a hand through my loose black curls, playing with the ends whilst my mind is plagued with how quickly my life has turned around. After I moved to the US, I had quite literally walked into the supernatural world. Now, I understand why I felt so overwhelmed at the thought of Vulcan and I moving so fast back then, how I felt unsure if I should be falling for him so fast in such a short amount of time.

It was a roller coaster from there, with him becoming very overprotective and keeping me in his house to Colton attacking to this. I wonder what else life has in store for me, whatever it is, I hope it's good.

"How did the pack not smell that that Kaden is a rogue? I thought supernatural creatures have scents?" I frown, looking to Vulcan in confusion.

He shakes his head, running a hand through his already tousled brown hair. "I don't know. The only thing Indigo and I can think of is that he has Alpha or Beta blood but chose to become rogue. Some children of Alphas and Betas in neighboring packs attend the same school so, we just assumed it was their smell on you whenever you would come home. Theo thought he was one of them. But we've only sensed a glimpse of how much power he has when he was fighting back in the cells."

"You're still not off the hook for that."

He huffs, glaring at me like a child who was just told that they're grounded. I stare right back and cross my arms, daring for him to argue with my eyes. After a long while of just glaring at each other, I roll my eyes and look away, hearing him growl lowly at my dismissive action.

"Let's go, Aurora." I'm brought out of reading my book, my eyes snapping over to Vulcan who is waving me over.

"What - no! I'm staying until he wakes up." I shake my head, making myself as comfortable as I can in the chair.

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