Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 – Inkling

Vulcan Romanov's P.O.V.

Day: 6

I run in my beast form with warriors behind me, scouring the land for a trace of my mate's scent. So far we have found nothing which frustrates me to no end. We had spent the night Aurora had been taken scoping out territories we thought the vampires would have taken her to. We concluded that Dragos had probably contacted his brother, Andrei, when he knew he was going to die, who then sent more vampires across my territory whilst we were in the midst of a battle.

After seeking out permissions from the neighboring Alphas to search their lands and travel across it, we found ourselves in territories that belonged to vampire clans. I have met with almost all of them and none can tell me where Andrei has disappeared to. It's like hitting a dead end in a maze repeatedly, the further Aurora remains kidnapped the more I grow livid, my beasts itching to take over completely. Regardless, I fight with them no matter how much I want my blood lust to come forth and destroy everything in my path.

We have taken breaks to rest up and hunt for food before setting off again. It has been almost a week and the separation between my mate and I is driving me insane. Nevertheless, I stop and allow our warriors to rest, Damon disliking the idea just as much as I but finally relenting.

We have been searching day in and day out for her and our hopes rose when our best trackers caught onto her scent one day. However, it turned out to be a dead end once more, but it was the place they had kept Aurora in previously. Her scent was stale and we had found where they had presumably tied her up, a lone metal chair had been tipped over with a dark spot of her blood on the concrete floor. The rope was also rough from places where blood tinged the material, the brown color confirming that she had been tied and bled.

I had lost control and shifted that day, wanting to put Andrei through hell for even spilling a drop of my mate's blood. They were all going to be tortured mercilessly by me. I haven't been able to use my dream-walking ability on her either because there is some sort of barrier preventing me, I know that Andrei has blocked her mind from me.

Night is now falling and we decide to set up camp near an area in the forest where we will be well hidden. If any vampire wanders too close, we will know. Damon nods at me tiredly before he retires to his tent for the night, Kaden meeting my eyes next and indicating that he too is about to head in. I nod in return, seeing my warriors settle down in their respective spots to go to sleep. Indigo is sharing with Kaden, leaving me a tent for myself. Some pack enforcers volunteer to stay up and watch for activity. I make a mental note to let them rest tomorrow morning before we set off again.

I zip up my tent and head for the sleeping bag, getting comfortable before thinking about my mate which seems to be a constant thing nowadays. Even when Aurora is okay and in my sights, she will still be on my mind. I think of where she could be right now, my beasts whining out in sadness knowing she is hurt. I long to have her near me again, to fill my senses with her alluring scent, to have her small frame against mine whilst she snores softly and denies it in the mornings. I miss everything about her.

I feel like an absolute failure to my mate. Even with the mind link and mate bond we share, it wasn't enough to save her in time. Sighing heavily, I concentrate on trying to connect with her mind to dream walk. Having no luck, I try again and again only to hit the same barrier that makes me growl in frustration. After about an hour, I finally get through to her, my heart accelerating in excitement and longing when the barrier eases up and lets me through.

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