Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 – Tell Me A Secret

I sigh as I start working on yet another math problem. The library is quiet with only the sound of pens being placed and pages being turned. This is my third time in here for the past week to study. A lot of my teachers have scheduled class tests for next week and I want to score good grades, but it's proving to be difficult to concentrate.

Eventually, I manage to get two hours of study done before I pack up and head home. I place my books in my locker before walking out to my car but, no sooner have I sat down, a ping from my phone alerts me of a message. Vulcan is calling me over to his place so I text back an "okay" before starting the car and driving out of the school gates.

Remembering which way his house is, I eventually turn onto the dirt road that will guide me to where he lives. The trees surround me and when I glance to the side, I can see pack members running through the forest as they train. Their speed is incredibly fast, like lightning they pass me out.

After a few minutes of driving, the dirt road opens up to a large clearing. I drive past the pack houses and training grounds to where his beautiful home stands proudly. Parking in the driveway, I shut off the ignition before hopping out. I trudge up the steps with my bag slung over my shoulder, halting when I hear arguing voices. Pushing myself against the wall, I strain to hear the conversation. It's Indigo and Vulcan.

''It is not the right time to tell Aurora that!'' Vulcan growls out. Tell me what? I think as I step closer to the door, quietly.

''Well, when are you planning on telling her?'' Indigo sighs loudly.

''If I had my way, I'd never tell her. She is not leaving me.'' Didn't Vulcan already tell me what he is though? I wonder to myself as they continue arguing.

''- everything is different in your relationship. Doesn't she deserve to know why you can't mark her earlier like a normal wolf would, why there are people out there who'd do anything to her if it brings you down? We stopped the rogues from nearly attacking her in school a few days ago but what happens if one day, we're too late?''

''That will never happen. I've got more guards around her than any other Luna has ever had!'' Vulcan snarls in reply. 

''True but, Aurora is not a werewolf. If any one of your enemies manage to get to her, she won't be able to defend herself compared to their strength!'' Indigo argues, unwilling to back down.

''I'll figure something out but I will not tell her!''

''Vulcan," I hear Indigo sigh in exasperation. "You won't be able to hide it for long, especially on the nights of a full moon.''

''I'll just tell her I have a business meeting and fly out of the country for a few days.''

Indigo growls frustratingly. ''You stubborn fuck -''

''Don't tell me what to do! She's mine and I choose what and when to tell her!'' Vulcan's deafening growl booms in the house.

Having heard enough, I step out and head in through the open door. Both men are standing with their fists clenched, their eyes snapping to me when I walk in. Vulcan's eyes widen whereas Indigo only smiles at me in relief. My gaze sweeps over Vulcan's posture; tense, muscles coiled like a spring as if ready to attack any minute.

''Indigo, will you leave us? I'll handle it from here.'' I state, crossing my arms and watching him nod before heading across the room.

Vulcan curses loudly before glaring at his Beta's retreating back. I wait for the sound of the door close behind me before my arms fall to my side. I watch as he runs a hand through his tousled brown hair, ruffling it up even more. He's looking everywhere but at me. 

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