August 26th of 1999

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Life was calm for Hermione. Had she changed? Yes. Matured? Even more, but she had also fallen in and out of love. Now she lived in Ireland with her husband, five children, and a baby on the way. She lived in the countryside beside a lake, surrounded by hills, Hermione was in peace and had been for a few year. Right now I'm here to tell you the devasting story that took place in Agust 26 of the year 1999. 

It had been a month since Hermione was told she would never get her parents back, what she had done was irreversible. Because of this Hermione had been immersing herself in her work, going home less and less. Separating herself from her boyfriend, Ron.  This was the reason that on this awful day Hermione Granger (at the time) decided to leave work early and surprise Ron. Ohh! Ronald Weasel, that moron! Hermione had entered the house to find him shagging Julieanne Grace, the French supermodel. 

Hermione was shocked, betrayed and mad, no furious. She had whipped out her wand and cast some hexes and jinxes they would never forget, accioed her things and left the house for good. She had thought of going to Harry and Gin's but it would tear them apart to have to choose between Ron and Mione. Plus, the Weasel would probably feed them only lies. With that in mind, Mione apparated to Luna's house where she was welcomed with open arms.  

And that was the last Britain saw of Luna Lovegood (at the time) and Hermione Grange (at the time) for the next 20 years. 

Until a letter changed everything.

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