The Woods

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A/N Katie Bell is going to be Harry's age just for the sake of the story

It took about an hour and there had been a ton of surprises. From unexpected couples to fights in-between old friends, but the class of 1998 only had 10 more families to re-meet and in them where our reunited heroes. Those though where accorded to be left for last just to keep the tension going, and so stood up the boy-that-looked-strikingly-like-Oliver-wood and his family. When they did many people had to stifle a laugh as Oliver Wood as it looked had gotten what he wanted and had enough kids to form a quidditch team. It was the mother who started talking,

"Yes, yes Oliver got what he wanted and has already started to train every single one of the kids, so laugh all you want. But I will make one thing clear, especially to that Malfoy girl over there, mess with ANY ONE of my kids and. your. DEAD. Understood?" every single person in the hall nodded their head fearfully, and said mother gave a chuckle,

"Well, now that that's cleared up. Hi guys! I'm Katie Wood, nee Bell!" There were looks of surprise thrown here and there and one or two people had placed a bet, but no-one had time to say anything as Oliver Wood took the mike (or wand) and started to speak,

"Soooo, ladies and gentlemen, let me proudly present (as I took part in making it) the WOOD TEAM!!" *smack* "Sorry! Sorry! I mean family! Dammit, woman no need to be violent!" That started a quarrel between the parents that did not amuse the kids at all so the boy-that-looked-strikingly-like-Oliver-wood took it as his speaking turn,

"Hello, everyone! I and my siblings will now say our names, we are saying it in order of oldest to youngest like everyone was supposed to do," he said eyeing some of the families that skipped the rule.

"My name is Jake Wood!"

"I'm Oliver Wood Jr.!"

"I'm Angelina Wood!"

"I'm Alicia Wood!"

"I'm Rex Wood!"

"I'm Lewis Wood!"

"And I'm Poppy Wood!" And with that, the Woods bowed and sat back down, while the next family stood up. It was the family of a certain man with a lightning shaped scar...

The first family uncovered 9 more to go, next chapter will contain two families....

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