Someone that looks like Oliver Wood has an idea

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And I'm back!!!

"Ok, Ok. Let's all calm down." said an older Neville stepping into the conversation. The families nodded and blushed a bit at having caused such a havoc in less than 2 hours. This silence though got awkward really quickly and now no one knew what to do, it was then that a boy with a striking resemblance to Oliver Wood stepped on the stage. 

"I have an idea!  It's been 20 years since all of you adults have seen each other, no? Well we should all sit by families and introduce ourselves!" some people groaned, but surprisingly it was Narcissa who after hitting Scorpius around the head said,

"Hey, it's not a bad idea!" 

"Of course you think it's a good idea he's your boyfriend!" responded Mary

"But it's good!" whined the couple, 

"It's actually not that bad of an idea..." said Blaise, making Narcissa squeal in happiness. It took a few minutes but at last every family agreed to present themselves, and so the sat in a circle the Wood's and Potter's as far a way from the Malfoy's as Draco could get them. And so introductions started.

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