Don't get cocky James!

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The five parts to the puzzle that was the potter family stood up, some with blushes of shyness on their faces, and others with way to much cockiness. It was to no one's surprise that the oldest of the Potters siblings was the first to voice his thoughts. 

"Well this is kind of stupid, cause who doesn't know that Potter's I mean were the bes-" he was cut off by his sister slapping him on the back of the head, 

"James, do me a favor, wait no do everyone a favor and  SHUT UP! Let mom speak." It was clear to everyone that the girl had gotten the Weasley temper from her mother, and that the boy got the cockiness from his Potter side, but everyone was pulled from their thoughts when the woman of the family started to speak, 

"So hello! I'm Ginny Weasley, I married Harry Potter, and I had three kids. These three kids are going to present themselves now, and they will do it BLUNTLY right kids?" the three Potters nodded their heads fearfully, no one, no one wanted to cross their mother. That was a death wish. 

"Hello, I'm the amazing, coo-" Mrs.Potter growled and the boy paled, "I'm James Potter!" 

"Hi... I'm Albus Potter..." said the other boy shyly, 

"And I'm Lily Potter!" said the little girl almost bursting with excitement. To say the truth no one was really surprised, every wizard in the world knew the Potters if you didn't you were living under a rock! 

As the Potters had finished it was the nest families turn, and every student was surprised when Neville Longbottom arose. The family consisted of Neville Longbottom and what seemed to be Hannah Abbot.  There were 3 kids with them 2 girls and a boy. It was the latter who took the turn of speech. 

"Hello, people! We are the Longbottoms, we consist of my parents, Hannah and Neville Longbottom. I'm the oldest of their kids, and my name is Frank Longbottom! I have two little sist-"

"-ters who can perfectly introduce themselves!" finished one of the girls

"Hello, I'm Alice Longbottom!" 

"And I'm Agusta Longbottom!" 

"We're twins!" as they finished there was a gasp heard from somewhere in the hall, 

"Daddy! Mommy! They're like us!"

"Hush Maia!" that earned a chuckle from many including said twins. And as everyone was preparing to move on to the next family Alice decided to say something, 

"I have something to confess, but before I do that I need dad to promise not to kill someone, understood?" Neville frowned but nodded all the same, while a certain Potter scooted farther away from his professor. Alice took a deep breath, 

"I'm dating James Potter!" she squeaked, and so much happened at once. Neville and Frank launched at the boy, and poor James ran out of the hall while Hannah chased after all three. Two squeals were heard that originated from the couple's sisters, along with a pair of I knew it's. And really they managed to defuse the tension a bit, that is of course until Hannah Longbottom returned dragging her husband and son by the ears while James walked behind him nursing a black eye. Husband and son were whining, but Hannah shushed them, and turned to the newly discovered couple, 


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