Just a little mix-up.

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August 28- The Great Hall

"They're dating?!" squealed Hermione Zabini, but it seemed like all the waiting, and beating around the bush had finally gotten to the breaking point for Ronald Weasley as he let out a huff  and started his rant, 

"Where the heck was you, Hermione?! Luna?! We were all worried sick about you! You leave without saying anything and for no rea-"

"OH HELL NO MR.WEASLEY! My mother had a good and logical reason to why she left!" started Cissy, 

"Yeah! It was you who cheated on her-" began Fay, 

"-for non-other than that supermodel, Julianne Grace!" supplied Maia

" You fed lies to Aunt Ginny who didn't notice until it was too late what falsehoods you'd told her!" Kale said keeping the response going

" Hadn't it been for my mother, Aunt Hermione would have had to cope with her parent's death on her own," said Hermione breathing deeply from anger, 

" So you have no right! No right at all to tell those lies about my mother! DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND!?" Ended Scorpius his voice laced with fury, every Zabini and Malfoy kid (but Mary for obvious reasons) was quivering with rage, because, no one. NO ONE EVER! Said something bad about Hermione Malfoy in front of them. She was a hero and would be treated as such. During their rant, Ronald had gone pale and with a shaky nod mumbled his apologies. 

The hall was deadly quiet you could hear a pin drop. And it was in that opportune moment that our lovers returned. Smiles on their faces blushes on their cheeks, and their eyes glistening with happy tears. But that happy state quivered when they entered the hall. 

"What happened here?" Mary said looking with confusion around the room. It was the boy-who-lived that responded to that, with a simple,

"Just a little mix-up." 

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