chapter- 8

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I knew Cayden's sister will be very beautiful . But not this beautiful . Honestly I really didn't have any idea this much beautiful people are also there in this world .

She has the best smile anyone can ever have . A model's body and good height .

" here . I didn't really know what you like to wear but what ever I could get in an emergency I bought with me ." she smiles . She has a good nature too . She's truly and heavily blessed .

" no problem . Thanks for all this " I don't know why this people are doing this all . I mean am just here for some days only . " how are you sis ?" Cayden asks . " how do I look like ? " she questions back . " ugly " Cayden says making a face . I cant help but chuckle on this . " shut up you moron " she says . " so tell me about yourself Eliza " she asked with something in her eyes which disappeared before I could know anything about it . I smiled . Ugh what should I tell about myself now . 

' hello my name is Eliza , no its briar but you know what I have a very bad past which keeps on bugging me and because of that I changed my name . I even killed a lady who was madly in love with my father . Its too much I know but this is the truth .' thank god my brain can't speak .

" umm I just graduated recently . I don't have anything to say about me . " I answer . At least I am not lying . Josie laughs . " oh your cute do you know that " she asks " uh " only if I knew what to answer . Well , I never got a compliment like this as well .

" Cayden told me about you . I can already say that your not the criminal . I mean look at your face . " she says gesturing her hand towards me . " anyways I need to go . Jeremy is waiting for me outside . We will be going for a week's trip so please avoid disturbing us ." Josie says to Cayden . Cayden lifts his hands in surrender ." I swear I will not dare to " he says grinning .

After Josie went . Cayden also disappeared in his room to work . Well he told me he will be back after an hour or two . Right now am sitting in my room opening the dresses Josie bought with her . These all look very expensive . Some even have a price tag on them . I keep the ones with the price tags on the side so that I can return her back . I maybe loving this treatment but I will never be a selfish bitch .

I change after taking a long shower into a yellow color dress which was on top of all the dresses. It reaches just below my knee and am already loving it . Its very comfortable . I brush my hair ( I swear they can't help but grow longer an inch every day ) . What would have happened if I was little more taller . I am just 5 feet and am not so glad to be this short . Josie is also so tall his brother is more tall and I am a dwarf . Ugh . I always think what happened to my height when my mom and dad were tall too . Well I hope I gain some more height if that's possible in my case.

Wearing one of the sandals from the rack on the side near the door . The sandals are a little big but at least I have something comfortable to wear . Walking out of the room I make my way towards the kitchen . It's a huge kitchen I should say . Everything here is well kept . The cabins are a darker shade of brown and the walls are pure white . 

 I can make lunch if he is busy doing his work . I just hope he doesn't mind me touching his kitchen . Making my way towards the cabin to check what can I make for lunch . For me I used to eat anything and everything for lunch but here I don't know what will he like . What rich people eat for lunch ?

After an hour I was done with lunch . I just hope he likes it .

I made chicken sandwich which I know is nothing special but lunch is always light right ?

I even made fried chips and salad with it so that the sandwich doesn't seem boring .

I set the table with things I prepared . He should be here any moment because its already getting late . After a minute or two he enters the kitchen . I don't miss the shocked expression crossed his face the moment his eyes fell on the table . " you prepared this ? " he asked . " yeah " I said . He nods his head and moves himself to sit on the chair . I take a seat myself . " you were busy and I didn't had any other work so I thought of making lunch ." I said again trying to sound reasonable . I really don't know why I cooked for him . " its really something i appreciate. Even though I don't let my guests work but you're an exception . I can get used to this ." he says quickly before eating . He can get used to this ? What did he mean by this ? I shrug is off , its not what he actually means . " damn you cook so well ." he says between eating . " uh okayy " I have never been told anything like this before except for the twins who always liked my cooking and as for me , I always thought my cooking was ordinary . " I am not really into complimenting people but again you bring out that side of mine ." he says smiling . His eyes looked so sincere I could never not believe him .

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