Chapter 30

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm ringing. Why did I even put that?

It's just seven, why should I wake up this early?

I closed my eyes to sleep again but my interview that I am supposed to have today woke me up. I can't miss it. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed casually in my blue blouse and black pants. I didn't have makeup so I just used my pink lipstick to add up a little blush on my cheeks and gave a little color to my lips. For my eyes, I used kohl which Sama gave me.

I collected my stuff and rushed downstairs.

" This is not how you do it." Joe said irritated. I couldn't help but smile at this beautiful couple.

I have been here for almost two weeks now and today is my first interview. Sama wouldn't let me go do any work these whole two weeks but I had to do some job. I convinced her to let me have a job to which she wasn't happy at all.

" Shut up! I know I can do it." Sama answered irritated. She was trying to fix some part of the car which was obviously Joe's. both of them looked too much engrossed that they didn't notice me standing in front of them. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Sama looked up and immediately smiled.

" It's still early honey where are you going?" I shifted uncomfortably.

" I am going to an interview today." I smiled the best I could. The smile Sama had oh her beautiful face dropped. Ugh.

" I won't stop you from doing what you want to do but please don't burden yourself." she stood and held my hands in hers. I smiled at her while nodding.

" Just wait here I will bring you breakfast." Sama said but I can't have breakfast because I will surely be late.

" No, Sama, I can't have breakfast today. I woke up late and I might be late for the interview." I said stopping her. She tried to protest but I stopped her.

" I will eat something from outside. Don't worry." I smiled and walked out of the main door.

" Wait dear let me drop you. " Joe said from behind me. I just nodded my head and walked towards his car.

The whole car ride was very comfortable. I was silent but it felt good. Soon we reached the building I was supposed to be for my interview. I was all polished and I can swear that the block letters of the buildings name were also shining.

' A.S.R' it said so proudly.

I bid my goodbye with Joe and walked towards the entrance of the building. The inside was nothing that I didn't expect, it was all polished and hell I could even look my face clearly on the polished floor.

I walked where the receptionist was, even she looked polished. In front of these people, I look like a maid. Oh wait, the maid will also have better clothes than me. Ugh, forget it!

" Hey! How can I help you?" the receptionist whom I didn't notice staring at me asked. She looked like the cool type. She had a beautiful smile. I smiled back and answered.

" Yeah I am here for an interview." she smiled more widely and called on the phone beside her.

" Yes, you may go to the 16th floor and there Jammy will let you know what to do." I smiled one last time towards her and walked towards the elevator.

The moment I walked out of the elevator everyone turned. Uh...weird. They all went back to doing their works without a second glance. Soon I saw a blonde coming towards me.

" For interview right?" she asked.

" Yes." I answered.

" Okay come follow me. Just be careful not to start a fight with other girls because the Boss is already not happy and fights make him angrier." she ranted until we reached where all the other girls were sitting. All were busy with their phones and I just sat there on the side.

The girl who I assume was Jammy went back and one by one all were being called. Some girls came out crying and some extremely angry. I wonder who is this scary creature sitting inside.

Time passed and my name was called. I walked with my not so visible confidence. What if I can't do this? God let me get over this with confidence. I haven't even eaten anything.

Wait! ...why am I thinking about food right now? Am I hungry?

And with still that thoughts in my head, I reached the high white color glass door. I stood there for a second and then knocked softly on the door. From inside I heard an irritated 'come in' voice. I opened the door and walked inside. This creature wasn't facing me. His face was facing the other side and I couldn't see him at all.

" Sit already I don't have the whole day." again the voice irritated.

I sat down anyway and faced him.

" You don't have any experience. Do you think you can manage to do something that is extremely above your standards? This is not an easy job and with your experience, it will be very tough. Getting good grades doesn't mean you can get any job." he kept on saying. His voice seemed familiar but never have anyone spoke this way with me.

" I never said getting good grades will get me any job I want. About the experience, I have to have a start and get some experience from somewhere. So why not it be this place? And about the standards, what you mean by that? If you meant that I can't handle this job, then Sir your mistaken, because you haven't seen me working. I believe I can do my best if I want to." this time he lifted his head. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's not any creature who is sitting in front of me. This is Aron.

Why is he here?

Is this his office?

But he's not the rude kind. Why did he behave like that with everyone?

His expression was a mixture of anger and irritation and tiring too.

" Briar right?" he asked as if not sure.

" Yes... why what happened?" I asked. Okay, I was shocked too but his expression was as if he's not sure at all.

" Fuck it's really you. Why did you leave without even meeting at the airport? I searched the whole area. Where did you go even?" okay this was unexpected.

" I had to go fast and you were busy. " I answered.

" Yeah right. And you got the job. " he said before smiling tiredly. He looks very tired.

" why did you gave me this job so easily? Is it because you know me from before? " I asked.

" No, not at all. I will never risk my office's reputation if I know you can't do this job. I know you can do this and it's not a very tough job too. Those scary things I said to most of the girls and they couldn't handle this. Either they would get angry or they would cry. You just handled it well." He smiled.

" You look tired?" I blurted out. Shit. What will he think I am doing? What if he regrets his decision?

" That's because I am. " he said again with an emotion in his eyes I couldn't get.

" Take rest then?" I again said something I didn't expect me to.

" I will." he said without blinking.

" I will go then?" I asked. He tore his eyes from my face and checked his watch.

" Yeah. Jammy will call and explain the timings to you. You can start from tomorrow." he said.

" Okay." I said standing up.

" Don't be late. I hate latecomers." he said before I could go out. Something in his voice felt like he was amused by what he was saying. The last comment didn't feel like he was really meaning what he said. It felt like he was teasing me for some reason. Whatever it was, I got the job. And that matters the most.





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