Chapter 28

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I felt someone poking my cheeks and I must say it was irritating.


One more pock.

And one more.

Again. Ugh and then when I think the other one was going to come I stopped the hand by holding its finger. I held it tighter and tried to even break it. Opening my eyes in anger I came face to face with a pair of bright green eyes which held a shine of amusement. The fuck? Why was Aron poking me?

" Why the hell were you poking my cheek?" I asked feeling my anger vanishing when he grins towards me. He looks so young when he does that. He should surely grin always. Before I could think more I felt his lips moving.

" We are landing soon. I just wanted you to wake up and I must say you're a heavy sleeper. You look cute when you sleep on my shoulder but I am sorry because we have to go." he said with a bigger grin this time. I noticed that I was still half lying on his shoulder. How did I reach here? I moved back as soon as possible. He laughed at my action but I just glared.

I glared for something like a whole minute at him and then realized he won't stop grinning because he's enjoying this. I stopped glaring and looked around and just on time there I heard the announcement of us landing.

People stood up and started to head outside. I stood up when most of the people were gone. Aron was fixing his shirt and then he started to wear a huge jacket with a hood. To be honest the jacket looked good on him it fitted him so well that I think it was made especially for him. He glanced at me and smirked.

"Are you done with your wearing clothes? Because I need to go out and you're blocking my way." I said trying to control my blush and tried to glare as good as possible.

"Are you done ogling at me?" he said smirking. Ugh. He and his smirk, I wish I could punch him. Right now my face must be like a tomato.

What's with me and blushing always? I think this is because I'm pregnant but dude it's too much.

Aron moved out to let me go first and I did it. I walked taking my bag with me. From behind, I heard Aron cursing under his breath. Why will he curse all of a sudden?

We walked all the way out and by now Aron was beside me.

"Hey! So where will you stay?" he asked.

"Why you want to stay with me?" I asked with sarcasm. But he just smirked and my own words registered in my mind. Shit.

"Whatever why you want to know?" I asked rolling my eyes at his a so smirking expression.

"So that we can still be in contact. Now it will be rude of me to just become strangers after we had a great time together," he said and I again rolled my eyes making sure he saw it. Great time? Really?? half of the time we were sleeping.

"Great time huh? We were sleeping through most of the time." I said while stopping at the checking area but Aron didn't stop himself from answering in the loudest voice ever. Ugh.

" It wasn't me who was sleeping but you who was half lying on me. I know I'm irresistible but dude that was too much," he said fake pouting and the amusement of the whole world was shining in his eyes. The fuck is he doing? People started to look at me as if I have done something wrong. God ?

After all, the procedure of checking was over I straight away went towards the opening where people were waiting for their loved ones or some were just waiting.

Not long after Aron came beside me which a smirking face. This time he covered his face completely- well not completely but half of it with his hood. I wonder why he did that.

" Those people out there will not like to give me peace if I show them my face." he motioned towards a group of reporters. What does this mean? Who is he that reporters will wait for him out there?

" haha don't worry you will know soon who I am but please don't go and tell them how much of an amazing person I am," he said smirking again. I watched as some of them recognized him and he cursed.

" Sir Aron Slon, we have been waiting for you to arrive. How was your trip? " one of the reporters asked. I just walked more slowly that no one notices me.

From the corner, I heard people saying he is the richest hot Bachelor.

' He's a CEO'

' very hot'

' God look at him'

' Oh my I am dying'

I just moved towards the other side and reached outside. There were lots of cabs standing and one of them was having and board on which my name was written. All I did was walked towards him and explain him about me.

I sat in the cab and let it take me to my new temporary house. I looked behind to see Aron talking to one of the reporters. I smiled at the view. His face was hard like he was very serious about whatever was happening. Underneath that hard face, I could see his irritated expression.

I wonder how fast I came to know about him this much. He was fun, there's no denying that.

Let's see what Italy have for me.





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