Preliminaries | Book Information

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[ A U T H O R ' S N O T E ]

First of all, I simply wanted to thank you for giving my book a chance. I couldn't have gone anywhere with this story without any of my readers, and I'm eternally grateful for each and every one of you. Every read, comment and vote is appreciated.

Second, if you see any typos, facts or cultural information that doesn't seem right in this story, feel more than free to tell me. I've done my research, but I'm far from perfect.

Third, please don't be a silent reader! I love hearing your comments and what you're thinking about the story. I'll do my best to reply to you.

Lastly, I don't condone any of my character's actions, especially the illegal ones. Most of them are criminals, and, like everyone, make mistakes. My character's opinions are fictional, and are not particularly my own.

Again, thank you for taking time out of your day to read Rage and Ruin. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


[ W A R N I N G S ]

- occasional strong language -
- traumatic events -
- criminal activity -
- murder -
- mentions of drugs -
- underage drinking -


[ E P I G R A P H ]

Girl, you are a phoenix,
they tried to kill you with flames and smoke,
but you rose from the ashes with beauty and grace.
Girl, you are a queen;
they tried to take your crown,
but you took their heads with a swing of your sword.
Girl, you are a goddess.
They tried to make you bleed with bullets and daggers
but your skin is made of dragon scales
and your heart is steel.

- k.s.


[ R E A D E R S ' R E V I E W S ]

"I'm just dropping into the comments to ask you to please give this book a chance. It'll be worth it, I promise. I've read it over at least twice (once unedited and once edited) and it kept me entertained and intrigued and dying to find out what happens next."

" Love this book, I have never felt so engrossed in a book before. "

" I'm loving this book so much that I was able to finish all of it in one day. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster (the good kind) "

" I'm gonna recommend this book to people. Seriously, this book is amazing. The plot it amazing and well written, and it deserves more credit! "

" It is a shame that this book wasn't easy to find because I bet if more people read this they would get as addicted as I did. And trust me. It has to be a well written story for me to like it! "


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