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We did not have good luck at airports.

That thought kept running through my mind as the eight of us got out of the bus as it dropped us off at the airport. But I couldn't afford to have bad premonitions about this. It had to work. It had to work or I'd look like a liar.

We'd already planned how we would surround the perimeter. Three pairs of two would be on three sides of the airport. With his invisibility, Jaxon would stall the security guards if needed. Because of his strength, Kane would be standing in the terminal, overlooking the runway. If something went wrong, he'd jump down and come running to our aid.

"Riley and I will go around the left," Gigi said. I was taken aback to hear her putting in her thoughts more often. I wondered if her sudden boldness was prompted by her mother's death.

"We'll take the right," Arlo replied. "Isn't that right, Finn?" The blond boy muttered a response, not quite as enthusiastic as Arlo's. Arlo was showing a surprising amount of involvement in what we were doing - probably because it wasn't legal in the slightest.

That left me going around the back of the airport with Jake. "I guess it's you and me, just like old times, Evans," I said, turning to him.

"Hopefully it won't end in us destroying the place and being on the run for weeks afterward," he responded drily.

"One group of us should approach the President first," Riley suggested, looking around at us. "Who here looks the least likely to hold a knife to the man's throat?"

All eyes went to Finn. "Alright, fine," he agreed reluctantly, though he clearly thought this wasn't the best idea. I knew it wasn't a good idea. But I had to do what I had to do to fight against Imperium.

"Be sure to look inconspicuous," Kane told Finn and Arlo, who was the least inconspicuous person on our team. "There will be groups of people coming off planes so just blend in with them."

Arlo waved his hands. "We get it, we're not going to scare the man away before we even get to talk."

"You're not going to be talking," Riley said sternly, knowing that that would not end well. "Finn is."

Arlo rolled his eyes. "At least we're using teamwork."

Kane looked down at his watch. "Get in your places; he should be landing any minute."

      We all split up, going our own designated ways from there. Jake and I walked side by side around the tall chain link fence.

      "The plane's coming in," I said, squinting up at an incoming plane in the sky. I saw him glance up at the sky before turning back as we hurried to the place we were meant to watch from.

      Weeds and tall grass were trampled under my feet as I walked, hugging the fence that lined the perimeter. The sun was out and I felt its gentle warmth on my face.

      I turned to watch the plane again. It was much closer now with only moments before its landing gear would touch the runway.

      "This is the place," Jake told me. He stopped walking so abruptly that I almost ran into him in my distracted state. Immediately, I took a few steps backward and surveyed the airport.

It was risky, coming here in broad daylight. But this was when the President was arriving so it was here that we had to be. Jake and I could crouch down and be partially hidden due to the fact that the airport was built on a small-incline hill. I hoped that no one was watching us right now.

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