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      The closer we got to the place that Hundsen was hiding out, the more I was filling with anticipation. My body was filled with a strange jumpy feeling, like I could barely contain the mixture of triumphance and animosity I held in my chest.

      I'd been waiting for this for months. Ripping out my enemy's eye had certainly been a power-grabbing victory, but I needed more. I had warned him that I was going to inflict real pain on him and I intended to deliver on that promise.

      My plans of vengeance had barely even begun. So far, I'd only really taken his eye and his lair. He still had everything: his money, power, his empire, the Club and a person he loved. For now.

      This time, I was about to dispatch a blow that would strike him straight through the heart.

I only wished that I could see the look on his face when I did. The expression of utter loss and destruction in his eyes would be something I'd savor for a long time after. After I was done with him this time, Hundsen wouldn't know peace. I wanted him to roam the halls of his mansion feeling devastatingly alone and wondering how to fill the empty hole I made in his heart.

But I hadn't done anything yet. I forced the flurry of anticipation down inside myself; I had to be perfectly composed for this to happen as I wanted it. The celebration would come only after victory was mine.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Tesla scoffed and pointed to the street sign as we turned down the road Hundsen's second home was on. "He lives on a road called Peace Prospect? Oh, the irony."

     Behind me, I could hear Jaxon rubbing his hands together. "Are you guys ready? This is going to be fun."

     "We're only here tonight to scout out the house," I reminded him. "Tomorrow night is when we make our move."

     "Either way, it's better to be here than watching Benny be interrogated again."

      "If you could even call it an interrogation," Tesla muttered.

      I watched the house numbers get higher as I drove us deeper into the neighborhood. It seemed that the farther in we got, the bigger and more extravagant the houses became.

     The address ran through my mind like a rosary. I let it repeat over and over, reminding me what I was here for.

      I parked the car down the street from the house; the last thing I wanted was anyone catching a glance of it and calling the authorities because they were suspicious. This was bound to get messy, but it would be even more so if I had to take out a squad of police officers.

      "Williams, you're going in first," I instructed. "Slip through a side window while invisible and head straight to the back left corner of the house. There's a small room for security there. Once you're inside, take out all the guards and leave them unconscious so that no one's watching the security cameras. Knock out the power to that room afterwards."

      "Complete that task in exactly fifteen minutes or less. After that, Tesla and I will be able to walk onto the property without being spotted by the outside cameras. From there, we'll spy into the house to find out exactly who's home."

      Before we left to drive upstate, I'd done some investigation into the house itself so that we could be more efficient when navigating the place. Now, I had a general idea of the floor plan and where things laid, which I could easily use to my advantage.

      "That sounds extremely risky," the assassin remarked from beside me. "There are a million things that could go wrong with that plan."

      "You know better than that, Tesla," I chastised. "I don't take risks; I plan everything out. This night will go smoothly."

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