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      Three days later and Hunt was still in the hospital. He'd lived through the first night with only a few minor problems. Now, he was stable and recovering, but he still wasn't allowed to have any visitors.

      I didn't particularly care whether the man lived or died. He clearly didn't have as much power as the ONNT counsel and his men weren't going to come close to finding Hundsen. He didn't benefit me like he seemed to for some of the others on the team.

      What would benefit me, as I walked through the echoing marble halls of the compound, was finding the assassin. She once told me in a hotel room that she'd help me take Hundsen down, even if the others wouldn't. It was time to see if she'd honor that promise.

      Normally, I'd go alone. It was much easier to have control over the situation when you were the only person to take care of. But this particular job I had in mind would require two people. Also, a fighter would be wise to have by my side given the place I was planning to go to.

      I found her standing in the middle of the hallway, talking to Peterson. I narrowed my eyes; I'd always disliked him and his optimistic ways. His friendship with Hunt also made a few questions arise; what kind of person willingly befriended their imprisoner?


      That got her attention. Her gaze traveled over Finn's shoulder to me. "What do you want, Evans?"

      "I want you to come over here so I can tell you something," I commanded and then glared at Peterson, "Privately."

      He got the picture and quickly left the hallway. "What do you want?" she asked again, looking slightly hesitant. She was afraid of what I'd ask her. It was clear that she was keeping secrets, but I'd save that interrogation for a different time.

     "I need you to come with me during this next job."

      She gave me a wry smile. "Do you need my particular skill set again?"


      "Where's the job at? Does it involve all these late nights that you've been gone?"

      "As a matter of fact, it does. We're going to Hundsen's home."

      She blinked, clearly taken aback. "Are you sure that you got the right place? There's no way that his house could have been easy to find."

      "Would I be arranging a job there if I wasn't sure it was the place I wanted?"

      She rolled her eyes, but I'd piqued her curiosity. "How'd you get the address?"

      The thought of the man found through the papers Kane and Riley had stolen for me crossed my mind. I'd had to torture him for information. I remembered the smooth slice that my icicle had made through his wrist and how he'd screamed when I severed his hand. "The usual."

      "Ah," she nodded understandingly. "Torture and killing."

"Precisely. His information is correct, I know where Hundsen lived before he disappeared. Are you coming?" After the words had exited my mouth, I wondered why I'd phrased it like a question. Normally, I'd say it like a command and expect everyone to go along with it. Why had I given her a choice?

Tesla stared at me for a moment, deciding what she'd do. "Yeah," she said eventually, "I'm coming."

We got in the car and I drove out the gate onto the road. "If there's been any good outcome of Hunt's shooting, it's that we don't have to ask him permission to leave any more," she said suddenly.

Rage and Ruin | 2Where stories live. Discover now