~Chapter Fifteen~

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All I can say is that I'm shocked. My first kiss... I'm having it with Henry, my brother. But, for some reason, I did not fight back. In fact, I kissed back.

Henry's a surprisingly good kisser. Has he had practice, or, something like that...?

Soon, Henry pulled up, away from me. Guess he wasn't the only one struggling from lack of air.

"That was... Wow..."

"Yeah, I know. I didn't think I'd have my first kiss with my brother?"

"That was your first..."

"Yes. But, I don't mind. Let's just keep this as our little secret, okay?"

"Sure. Oops, forgot that I'm still on top of you."

Henry then got off of me, and, helped me up.


"You're welcome. Well... It's getting late. Guess we better head home."


Henry and I then headed to Henry's car. We then entered, and, headed home.

When we arrived home, we entered, trying to look like we had never left. Not because we were in trouble, just, because, we didn't feel like being interrogated by our parents.

Luckily, our parents weren't around. Odd, I thought that Henry's mom was making dinner.

When we walked into the kitchen, we found a note on the fridge.

Henry and I walked up to the note. Henry read the note out loud.

"Dear boys, and (y/n), I have been called out for another business trip. (y/n)'s dad has decided to come with me. We will be gone for about two months, if everything goes well. No parties! Make sure to spend money wisely. I don't want to come home, to find that we've gone bankrupt. Have fun while we're gone! Cameron's in charge. Love, Emily and (Dad's Name)."

My parents are going to be gone!? For two months!? Leaving me alone with my brothers?!

Actually, I'm perfectly fine with that.


No parents!

"Well, what now?"

"Guess we celebrate. Want to go swimming?"

"Sure. Meet you in the pool?"


Henry and I then raced out, to our rooms.

Pool party, here I come! 

Sorry for a short chapter. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now