~Chapter Sixty-Four~

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It was like no other scream I've ever heard before. It was one of pure terror.

... Lyle's terror...

I quickly stood up, and raced towards Lyle's room, with Damien and Cameron right behind me.

"Lyle, you okay?!" I yelled, as I opened the door.

In Lyle's room, I found Lyle on the floor, scrambling towards us.

"Lyle, are you-"

"I don't want to die!" Lyle screamed.

"What do you-"

"It's out for me!" Lyle screamed.

"Wow, if Lyle wasn't insane before... He sure is now..." Damien said.

"Yeah." Cameron said.

"Guys, I think Lyle needs to be knocked out. Mind helping?" I asked.

"My pleasure." Damien said.

I watched as Damien walked up to Lyle, and bonked him on the head. Lyle fell down, unconscious.

"Damien! I didn't tell you to kill him!" I yelled.

"Shh! You'll wake him up." Damien quietly said.

I sighed.

"Let's just go." I whispered, before leaving.

Damien and Cameron followed out after me.

When we got back to the main living area, we continued to watch (show) for the next few hours.


"Well, I'm officially bored. What should we do next?" I asked.

"We could... Yeah, I have nothing." Henry said.

"Let's have a singing contest." Damien said.

Cameron and Henry gave Damien an odd look.

"Singing?" Henry exclaimed.

"Yeah. Are you scared?" Damien asked.

I would be if I were Henry. I remember how amazing Damien's voice was.

"No; not at all. But, since this will be a contest, let's have a prize." Henry said.

"Like what?" Damien inquired.

"Getting to have (y/n) to them for an entire day." Henry said.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Deal!" Damien said.

"Cameron, you can't let this happen! I'm not a prize to be won!" I practically begged.

"Sorry (y/n), the prize is too great to pass up on." Cameron said.

... Not Cameron too...

"Hunter, you'll help me out, right?" I asked.

Hunter said nothing.

... No... This can't be happening... Right?

"Okay, it's settled. We'll have a singing contest with (y/n) as the judge. Now (y/n), don't be biased. I know it'll be hard to not choose me, but-"

Damien cut Henry off by smacking him.

"Oh please, you're not (y/n)'s favorite!" Damien said.

"Well, it can't be you!" Henry shouted.

I sighed.

I guess boys will always be boys...

"(y/n), who do you like the most?" Damien asked me.

The four brothers in the room turned to me.

"Uh... Uh... Uh..." I stuttered.

How do I respond to this?!

"See? You made (y/n) nervous! Way to go Damien!" Henry shouted.

"me? You're blaming this on me!?" Damien shouted back.

"Of course I am!" Henry shouted back at Damien.

"(y/n), want to leave this room?" Cameron asked me.

"Sure." I whispered.

So, quietly, Cameron and I left the room.

We ended up outside, in the backyard. Other than the water balloon fight, I don't think I've ever been in the back yard. It was very large, with lush green grass, and a lovely lake in the back, with random benches and plants scattered among the yard.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I said, in wonder.

"Yeah. But nothing compares to your beauty." Cameron said.

"... Cameron..." I said, as my cheeks started to heat up.

"(y/n), there's something you should know." Cameron said.

"What is it?"

"I've never felt anything. But, you've changed that. And, now that I've met you, I won't let you escape." Cameron said.

"I-I don't know what to say..." I said.

"You don't need to say anything. It's alright. Just know that I'll do anything to make you happy." Cameron said.

"That's so sweet." I said.

"I do try to be. For I'd do anything for you." Cameron said.

What does he exactly mean by that?

"Cameron, do you mean you'd be willing to... Kill for me?" I asked, voice trembling a bit.

"Yes, I would." Cameron said, voice full of confidence.

I stopped.

"(y/n), you okay?" Cameron said.

"Yeah... I'm just... Fine..." I lied.


"I just need to go for a bit." I said, before pulling away, and walking inside.

Once inside, I ran to my room, and locked the doors.

Kyra greeted me with a happy yip.

Though she stopped when she saw my face, as if she could see my distress.

That's when I broke down crying. Kyra tried to comfort me, but nothing worked.

All these recent events... All these confessions and confusion... The pain and scarring events I've endured... It's finally starting to hit me, breaking me down.

All the murderers... Being kidnapped... All of it... How have I been so strong up until now? Perhaps it's because I've been living in this ignorance that my family was this safe family, full of love.

But now... I finally realize who they truly are...

... They're liars...

... But even worse...

... They're murderers... 

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=   

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