~Chapter Fifty-Two~

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When we arrived, Henry was being worked on, so we couldn't visit him yet. We all ended up sitting in a vacant room, just waiting to see Henry.

Even though I knew that Henry was alive, I couldn't stop crying. Lyle wouldn't stop trying to make me laugh, but nothing worked.

"Lyle, thanks for trying. But I'm in no mood to cheer up." I said.

"I see. It's just, (y/n), I hate to see you cry." Lyle said, almost in tears.

Before anyone else could say anything, the door opened. We all turned, to face a doctor.

"Is Henry..."

"Luckily for him, the worst he has is a broken leg. It's actually quite a miracle that all his other injuries are just bruises and cuts."

I sighed in relief.

"Can we go see him?" I asked.

"Yes, come. I'll take you to him." The doctor said, before opening up the door.

We all followed him out.

After walking down a few halls, we eventually reached Henry's room. As we entered the room, my eyes scanned the room, to find Henry.

Henry was covered in bandages, and his left leg was elevated slightly. He looked to be in a lot of pain.

I quickly rushed over to Henry.

"Henry... Thank god... You're alive..." I said, as more fresh tears fell down my face.

"(y/n), please don't cry." Henry said, with a weak smile.

I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Much better." Henry said.

"So, do you know how long you'll be in the hospital?" Cameron asked.

"The doctors said that the more important procedures have already been finished. But, I don't know when I'll be able to leave." Henry said.


"Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to get out as quickly as possible." Henry said, reassuring me.

The doctor from before then came in.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are coming to a close. It's time to bid farewell. Though you can come back tomorrow as early as eleven am." The doctor said.

"Okay. Don't worry Henry, I'll visit you every day until you get out." I said.

Henry smiled.

"I'd like that."

"Doctor, how long do you think Henry will be in the hospital?" Lyle asked.

"Based on his injuries... At the very least, one week." The doctor said.


We then exited the room, and drove home.

Don't worry, Henry, I'll do everything in my power to help your recovery to be quick, but safe. 

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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