~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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Game after game, Cameron won.

Prize after prize, I received.

Cameron's truly amazing!

Just like that, our two hours were up.

"Too bad we have to go meet up with everyone. I was really enjoying earning gifts for you."

"Yeah. And, I was enjoying receiving those won gifts. But, we have to go."

For a second, I thought I saw Cameron frown.

"You okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I just wish I could spend more time with you."

Aw, that's so sweet!

"Well, don't worry, we will. Just... With everyone else."


"Well, we better go, before we're too late."


Cameron and I then walked to the front.

Everyone was waiting for us.

"So, (y/n), what do you... Wow... Did you really win all those prizes!?" Lyle asked, completely shocked at how many prizes I had. 

"No. Cameron did." I replied. 

Lyle's eyes widened.

"Wow, that's so awesome!" Lyle said, ecstatically. 

"I really wish I had a way to carry all of these."

"I'll be right back." Hunter said, before leaving the group.

"So, what do you want to do?" Henry asked. 

"First, I want dinner. Then, I'd like to go on some rides. And, lastly, I'd like to watch the fireworks that Lyle told me about." I said, telling them exactly what I wanted. 

"Sounds like a plan." Damien said. 

Hunter then came back... With a giant net.

"There, you can hold all your big gifts in the net." Hunter said. 

"And, for her small gifts?" Damien asked. 

Is he trying to make Hunter look stupid? 

"These two bags." Hunter said, before pulling out two bags.

"Thanks." I said, while taking the bags, and, net, and, putting all my prizes in them.

"(y/n), allow me to carry your gifts for you." Damien said, while holding out his hands.

"Thanks, Damien."

It'll sure be nice to not have to carry all my gifts around.

"So, where do you want to eat?" Henry asked me. 

"Hm... Good question. How about... (Favorite Fast Food)?"

"Sure!" Lyle exclaimed.

Together, all six of us headed towards the place where I saw the (Favorite Fast Food) place earlier.

"Who has the most money left?" Cameron asked.

Turns out, it was Lyle and Damien. So, they were the ones to pay for our food.

"This food's so good!" I said, in pure bliss.

"Agreed." Hunter said. 

After eating our (Delicious!) food, we headed to a simple ride, so, that we wouldn't throw up.

That would be no fun.

The ride we ended up doing was a simple water boat ride.

You'd go in a tube boat, and, go down a water slide/ride.

The funniest part was Henry getting soaked.

Henry wasn't happy though.

But, the rest of us were.

After that, we realized that it was close to fireworks time.

"Let's go find a great view!" Lyle suggested.

"For once, Lyle, I agree with you." Henry said.

"(y/n), would you like to get on my shoulder's again?" Damien asked. 

"Sure." I replied. 

I then let Damien pick me up, and, place me on his shoulders.

"Can I get on (y/n)'s shoulders?" Lyle asked.

"No. Don't be ridiculous." Damien said, as if Lyle had said the most idiotic thing ever.

"Is it because you can't carry two people?" Lyle asked. 

"No. It's because I don't want you to break (y/n)'s poor shoulders!" Damien said, with a bit of force. 

"I won't. I promise!" Lyle said, while crossing his hand over his heart.

"Lyle, you're not getting on (y/n)'s shoulders!" Damien was practically shouting now. 

I was startled by Damien's outburst, and, starts to wobble.

Luckily, I didn't fall off.

"You okay?" Damien asked me, voice full of concern. 

"Yeah. Just a bit startled." I said, while making sure I was secure on Damien's shoulders. 

"Perhaps I should be the one carrying (y/n)." Cameron said.

"Why?" Damien asked.

"Because, for one, she'll have a better view. And, two, I wouldn't let my emotions control me, causing for (y/n) to fall off, and, harm herself."

"Like I'd let (y/n) on your shoulders." Damien scoffed. 

Is Damien...?

"Guys, let's not argue!" Lyle shouted, while trying to get in-between Damien and Cameron.

"(y/n)'s right. Even though you two are the oldest, you act so immature." Henry said, with a sigh.

"Yeah!" Lyle said. 

"Lyle, you have no room to talk." Henry said. 

"Hey!" Lyle shouted. 

Great. Now, four of my five brothers are arguing. Just-


Everyone stopped, when the first firework shot up, into the sky.

... They're so beautiful...

One by one, dazzling fireworks jumped into the sky, just to give us a mesmerizing performance.

After the fireworks display was over, we headed back to the car.

Damien's car.

When we arrived back at the house, we were human zombies.

Except Lyle.

"Wasn't that so much fun!?" Lyle shouted. 

"Lyle, I'm tired. Not so loud." I groaned. 

"Oh, I'm sorry...." Lyle's voice trailed off.

"It's fine." I said, while opening the door to my room. 

"Goodnight." Lyle said.

"Night." Cameron said.

"Sleep tight" Damien said.

"Have sweet dreams." Henry said.

Hunter gave me a nod.


I then entered my room, closed the door, and, headed to my bed.

Without even bothering to get into my pajama's, I fell on my bed.

...That was a great day...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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