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Your Not Welcomed


(Taylor's POV)

I woke up the next day and do my daily routine for work. Shower, brush my teeth, dress, get Ema ready... But then I remember... I got fired.. Well I would say fired because he said that if I do something for him, I can keep my job.. So let me rephrase that. But then I remembered ... I quit.

I walked back to bed where my little sunshine was sleeping so peacefully.

I gently moved a strain of curls from out of her face. I stared.

How am I so lucky to be blessed with this little bundle of joy?

I made her. She came from me. I carried her in my stomach for nine months. It was me. Me who done it. All harry did was dump his semen into me. I did the rest.


My boss just told me I could leave early since my feet were getting more swollen by the minute. I turned around about to walk back to my station where my sweater was. But I heard my name called "Taylor? Is that right?" I turned completely around and nodded my head in a up and down motion. "Mind if I ask but how many months are you?" That question wasn't hard to answer. I been keeping track since the day I took my first pregnancy test. "7 months and 3 weeks mam." She looked taken back for a second. "Why are you working? You should be resting at home! You know I worked for 5 months and the stopped." I looked up at her and my eyes met hers. "How'd you get the money?" "My husband." I looked down In disappointment. I actually wanted to cry my eyes out at that point. But I held it. Held my tears in. "Why are you still working Taylor?" "It's a long story..... I have to get going." "I have time to listen. If you didn't see, I'm by myself and I would love to hear a long story if you don't mind." She smiled up at me. She gestured her head for me to take the seat across from her.. And I surly did.1. My feet were killing me and 2. I was off work for the night.. She stared at me waiting for me too tell her my "long story." I took a deep breath and let out what I've been holding in for months now.. "It all started when my boyfriend Har- I mean ex boyfriend Harry started a band called one direction.........." I started talking to her about every single detail from the moment until this moment. I knew I just wasn't wasting my time by the way her face looked. She looked intrigued by my story... And if I was her , I would be too. He'll, it's kind of interesting. "So now I'm here.. Working from 10 in the morning till 6 in the afternoon. And until I deliver my healthy baby girl." She still seemed in a trance from my story. "You've been through a lot honey and I have faith it will all come together for you." She said getting up from her seat. "Thank you very much for listening... I haven't told anyone except for you." "We'll I'm very pleased I was the first too hear your amazing story." She handed me a receipt before she started to walk away. I was confused. "But I don't collect the receipts. There for you too keep." "Just keep it baby." I looked down at the folded receipt in my hand. I opened it and was shocked by what I found. I held up a 100$ bill. "Aw thank yo-" I look to my side where she was suppose to be standing but she was gone. I scanned the restaurant for any sight of her but found nothing. And stranger gave me 100$ and I didn't even know her name. I was about to throw the receipt out when I was it had writing. "You'll be alright. I promise, stay strong for that little girl and ........yourself. You'll need it." It said. I didn't bother throwing it out. I folded it and placed it in my back pocket then walked out... With a bit more confidence then I had walking in.

~ End if flashback

I caressed her little cheek and she stirred awake.

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