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I sit impatiently in the waiting room of the hospital. My weak eyes scan the white, empty hallways in search for Ema's nurse. Nothing.

"Hey t." I jump from the sound if Harry's voice behind me. I turn around to see him holding two cups of coffee in his hands. "Hey harry." I said blankly turning my head to looking back at the white hallways awaiting for any sign of the nurse.

"I got you a coffee if you want it." He held the coffee up at me waiting for me too take it and sipping his. "No I'm fine. Thank you though." I give him a fake smile too make it seem like I'm fine. But I'm really not.

"Come on Taylor, what's wrong?" He says as takes my hand into his and rubs it gently with his thumb. "Nothing." I say not looking into his eyes because he could always tell when I'm lying.

Harry brings my hand up too his lips and kisses it lightly looking me in my eyes for any sign of rejecting.

"What's wrong Taylor? You know you can't tell me." He tells me calmly.

I take a deep breath trying to get how I'm going to say this through my mind. I figured out what I was going to say. But something else comes out.

"It's all my fault." I whisper.

My mind was telling me too say one thing but my mouth decided to say another. Harry pulled me toward him hugging me tightly and rocking me back and forth whispering soothing things in my ear.

"Come on Taylor, it's okay. It's not your fault." He says calmy into my ear. He rubs tiny circles in my back trying to calm me down but it's not helping.

"I'm such a bad mom!" i sob into his chest making his shirt soak in tears.

"All I was too do was take care of her and protect her! I can't even do that!" I sob loudly into his chest once again. Im so happy on one else was in the waiting room because all eyes would have been on me.

"Taylor, calm down. I'm here and none is going to hurt you guys okay?"

I move away from him and just look at him with my big, red, puffy eyes. "No Harry! I don't deserve to be her mother. Anymore."

"You have every right Taylor! You need to know that okay!?" Harry's said sternly and seriously.

"W- w- what if she h- hates me?" just the thought of her hating me made my heart break even more than it already is. Harry grab both of my shoulders. "No she won't taylor! She loves you okay?"

"N- no. She doesn't harry! If I was here I would hate me too! I don't deserve he-" "stop putting yourself down Taylor! You didn't know okay!?" He yelled at me.

I fall back into his chest missing his embrace. He hold me tightly and places his chin ontop of my head. "Everything's gonna be alright Taylor." He rubs my back softly calming me down just a little.

"I knew she was acting very... Different and odd but I never really cared. I just shook it off and didn't pay any attention to it. I should have." Harry got quite. We spent a few moments in silence when Harry finally spoke up.

" Everything going to be alright Taylor, trust me." With his soothing voice and his gentle hands caressing my back my eye lids felt heavy and I feel asleep... Knowing I was safe in his arms.


"Taylor?" "Taylor?"

I feel someone shaking my body gently back and forth. "Taylor? Wake up!" I stir awake to see Harry standing in front of me.

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