(9) Carter Is A Sexy Beast

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*Carter's POV*

"Goddamn Carter. Your acting like my little sister on her period." Heath teased.

"Shut it. Get to the point. There's obviously something you want to know. What did you guys want to talk about." I snapped, falling over onto his couch.

"Fine." Parker sighed. "I mean ever since the incident with Cassie, you've been acting like like a major asshole." Parker raised an eyebrow, dribbling a basketball he found in Heath's closet.

That's what they wanted to talk about? Cassie? Is that why they've been so fucking concerned?

"Guys! I don't get the huge deal! I don't even like her. She isn't even my type...I just met her like 2 or 3 weeks ago." I rolled my eyes, burying my head in his pillow.

"Then why'd you kiss her? Why are you overreacting"

"Cause she wouldn't calm the fuck down! I panicked!" I yelled, but quickly calmed down after seeing their faces."Listen, I didn't mean to say anything. I guess I got overprotective when Miles was with her."

"Well if you didn't mean it, then shouldn't you go and apologize." Heath grinned, flashing me a toothy smile.

"I mean...Imagine if you would never apologize." Parker chuckled.

"I bet she's already running off with some guy...Miles maybe?"

"Oh yea. Miles is hot."

"Gay much?"

"Shut it. You know what I mean."

"Guys shut up!" I yelled, trying to stop them.

"Carter. Just go and apologize to Cassie." Parker pleaded.

"You know, she really could run along with some other guy. He could break her heart and be the wrong one for her." Heath, narrowed his eyes.

I never really thought of it like that...

Fuck. I need to go.

"Guys I'm leaving. See you on Monday."

And with that, I left and hopped onto my motorcycle. I need to get to Cas.


I ran up to the front porch of her house. Palms sweaty. Heart racing...Butterflies?

Nah. I don't get nervous. Especially over a girl. It's not like I'm asking her out.

Then why are you so nervous over her?

"Hi...Hello..." A lady with features similar to Cas, most likely her mother, answered the door. She was in a pink robe and had her hair piled on top of her head.

"Sorry to interrupt....I'm one of Cassie's friends, Carter, and I really need to talk to her. It's important." I pleaded.

"I'm super sorry. She's not here at the moment...She's on a date." She winked. "I'm sure she'll be back though. Teenagers with their sudden urge for romance."

A date? A fucking date?

"A date with who?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm actually not quite sure...I'm taking a break off of work for a couple weeks to get to know more about Cas and Charlie's lives." She giggled. "Would you like to come inside and wait?"

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